Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Society's need for mineral resources is growing in response to the world's growing population and rising standard of living.

To meet this demand, mineral resources are being explored today for all elements known to man. Mineral exploration in hard-to-reach regions benefits from modern means of transport.

The Earth is probed by sophisticated instruments, embarked on aircraft and satellites, or by tiny probes placed in drilling rigs to investigate the depths of the Earth's crust. These instruments can measure minute variations in the chemical or isotopic composition or petrophysical properties of rocks and other materials.

These measurements probe domains on several scales (nm to km) with great spatial precision. Integrated with 3D geomatic tools, we can image the internal structure of the Earth's crust to discover the mineral resources that will feed society in the 21st century.


Georges Beaudoin

Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Université Laval (Québec, Canada)