Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Oratores, bellatores, laboratores : can we make a gendered history of the famous trifunctionality by which medieval society was supposed to represent itself ? In Les Trois Ordres ou l'imaginaire du féodalisme (1973), Georges Duby asserts that " the feminine is not concerned by such classifications ". But is this true ? Going back through the intellectual genesis of this great essay on a reactionary thought that ended up institutionally conforming society, the investigation first focuses on the meaning and value of the term labor in the Middle Ages. If we accept that laboratores refers to those who toil at work, then we have a better grasp of the feminine principle at work in the creation of the social world. Not only does this shed light on the invisible part played by women in the world of work, it also sheds light on its political contradictions, particularly in cities. For while the sex of urban power is masculine, its allegories are always feminine ; an ambivalence that was expressed at the beginning of the 14th century when it came to understanding how political bodies at work with the feminine were constituted.


  • Those who pray, those who fight, those (or ?) who work
  • A look back at the plot of Les Trois Ordres ou l'imaginaire du féodalisme (Paris, 1973) : Georges Duby and the rhythms of history
  • Quand l'historien est au bord de comprendre qu'il se trompe (lecture on January 21, 2020: https: //
  • From 1610 to 1789, with the Middle Ages as a point of return and revival : a complex periodization of historical narrative
  • Time at a standstill ? A non-dogmatic reading of Charles Loyseau'sTraité des ordres et simples dignités
  • " Those who command " and " those who obey " : contextual interpretation of the Traité des ordres (Robert Descimon, " Les paradoxes d'un juge seigneurial ", Les Cahiers du Centre de Recherches Historiques, 27, 2001)
  • " There are only three roads for young men: that of the priest, that of the peasant, that of the soldier " (Charles Loyseau) : initiation and the making of boys
  • " The feminine is not concerned by such classifications " (Georges Duby) : is it so sure ?
  • First questioning : when the order of gender is invited to the trifunctional celebration of the aftermath of the battle of Bouvines onJuly 26 1214
  • Second questioning : the trifunctional resurgence in André le Chapelain'sDe amore and the triangle of courtly love as the other trinity of power
  • Women at work in the universal engendering of the social world
  • The false etymology of tripalium : if labor rhymes with dolor, work is not torture (André Eskénazi, "  L'etymologie de travail ", Romania, 503-504, ,2008)
  • Les femmes à la peine, ou le passage difficile : le travail de l'accouchement
  • A medieval genealogy of our " monde unisexe sexiste " (Émilie Hache, De la génération. Enquête sur sa disparition et son remplacement par la production, Paris, 2024)
  • Should we " renounce the comforts of economic sex " ?(Ivan Illich, Le Genre vernaculaire, Paris, 1983) : ecofeminist debates
  • Anthroponymic reasons for the invisibilization of women's work in the sources of practice
  • Le Tacuinum sanitatis in medicina : un partage gréré des rôles conforme aux attentes sociales (Perrine Mane in Sophie Lalanne, Didier Lett and Dominique Picco dir., Une histoire des femmes en Europe : des grottes aux Lumières, Paris, 2024)
  • Back-up force or speciality ? Women on construction sites (Sandrine Victor, " Bâtisseuses de cathédrales ? Le travail des femmes dans le secteur de la construction au bas Moyen Âge selon l'exemple de Gérone ", Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, 40-2, 2010)
  • Une division sexuelle du travail moins rigide qu'on le pense (Martha C. Howell, Women, Production, and Patriarchy in Late Medieval Cities, Chicago, 1986)
  • Du cadre domestique au marché : les femmes brasseuses de bière dans l'Angleterre médiévale (Judith Bennett, Ale, Beer, and Brewsters in England: Women's Work in a Changing World, Oxford, 1999)
  • The Tunning of Elynour Rummying by John Skelton (1517)   : the bad reputation of alewives
  • Female presence in family businesses and the structure of trades (Jean-Louis Roch, " Femmes et métiers dans la région rouennaise au Moyen Âge ", in Beatrice Zucca Micheletto et al. dir., " Tout ce qu'elle saura et pourra faire ", Rouen, 2015)
  • Les faux-semblants de l'ordre corporatif (Philippe Bernardi, Maître, valet et apprenti au Moyen Âge. Essai sur une production bien ordonnée, Toulouse, 2007)
  • Labor, opus, ars, industria and above all servitium : the words for work and pain
  • After 1348, remasculinization in the world of trades : the case of German cities (Claudia Apitz, in Georges Duby and Michelle Perrot eds, Histoire des femmes en Occident , t. 2, Le Moyen Âge, Christiane Klapisch-Zuber eds, Paris, 1991)
  • Le sexe du pouvoir urbain : où sont les femmes ?(Julie Pilorget, Des femmes dans la ville : Amiens (1380-1520), thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018)
  • Male power, female allegories : un " usage de la femme " (Maurice Agulhon, " Un usage de la femme au XIXe siècle : l'allégorie de la République ", Romantisme, 13-14, 1976)
  • Political desire, sexual violence : symbolizing outrage
  • Back to Siena'sPalazzo pubblico in 1338 : peace is a melancholy post-war look at the world it has created
  • The female gender of the city, or chivalric embarrassment in the face of abundance and diversity (Jacques Le Goff, " Guerriers et bourgeois conquérants. L'image de la ville dans la littérature française du XIIe siècle " in Mélanges en l'honneur de Charles Morazé, Paris, 1979, reprinted in L'imaginaire médiéval, Paris, 1991)
  • Petrarch also reveals the masculinist accents of a moral panic in the face of the city's feminine principle
  • Fuites masculines, enfermements féminins (Paulette L'hermite-Leclercq, " Le reclus dans la ville au Bas Moyen Âge ", Journal des savants, 1988)
  • In Paris, onJune1 1310, a woman was burned in the Place de Grève
  • Marguerite Porète and the Valenciennes beguinage (Huanan Lu, " Marguerite Porete et l'enquête de 1323 sur le béguinage Sainte-Élisabeth de Valenciennes ", Revue du Nord, 2021)
  • The Marguerite Porete affair and Philippe le Bel's political trials : the kingdom's first Estates General.