Approaches (past and recent) for detecting such enhancersequences .Enhancer traps and high-throughput screening methods. Some examples, in particular of the dynamic analysis of a regulatory trajectory.
In this second lesson, after a brief reminder of a few definitions, methods are presented for identifying " enhancers " without introducingany particular biasat the outset introducing any particular bias at the outset. These methods all derive from the enhancers trap approach, in versions updated by recent technologicaldevelopments (STARR-seq technological developments (STARR-seq). Some advantages and disadvantages of these approaches are discussed.
Next, the systemscurrently in use in mammals for detecting enhancer activity are described in mammals are described, from the production of transgenic mice by simple injection, to ES cell aggregation systems that enable faster analysis. The ability of ES cells to be ES cells to be reintroduced into embryos, or even to form them entirely embryos, is then discussed with the help of a few recent examples.