On January 6, 1439, the Ambrosian people came to the rescue of the liturgical books: the lecture begins with an analysis of the "Branda Castiglioni affair", which defines one of the specific features of the Mysterium ambrosianum : Milan's liturgical identity is always represented as a basilica under siege. We go in search of the legendary justifications for this social representation, looking for the mysterious bishop Eugene, who resisted the Carolingian aggression. An episode from Landulf the Elder'sHistoria Mediolanensis (c. 1085) recounts this Milanese struggle against liturgical standardization at the time of Charlemagne. From Beroldus to Beroldus novus and from Giovanni Arcimboldi to Pietro Casola, the gradual invention of liturgical order through books remains faithful to this political tradition. The survey then returns to the "conflict of the basilicas", during Holy Week in 386: the Ambrosian invention of hymns must be understood as a song of vigilance: "They say that the people are seduced by the charm of my hymns. I don't deny it. There is a great charm there: nothing is more powerful." (Ambrose, Sermo Contra Auxentium). The aim of this session is to understand the emotional, communal and memorial effectiveness of this carmen .
11:00am - 12:00pm
The invention of liturgical tradition
Patrick Boucheron
11:00am - 12:00pm