By stepping into the breach of the revolutionary triennio that followed the death of Duke Filippo Maria Visconti on August 13, 1447, and by attempting to repoliticize the narrative of what has been called the "Ambrosian revolution", which is in reality a communal restoration, we seek to articulate the relationship between revolutionary tempo and the rhythms of political ritual. Ambrosian remembrance is the escort discourse of political radicalization. While recourse to the saint does compensate for the failure of princes, the analysis allows us to qualify the false evidence of civic religion through the historiographical test of comparison: with the revolutionary festival as a "transfer of sacrality" and founding rite, with the "stubborn formalism" (Mona Ozouf) of the festive spectacle, with the limits of the interpretation of "civic enthusiasm" (Nicolas Mariot). The lecture proposes a lexicographical analysis of a serial source: the cries(crida et bando, crida et avisamento, crida et notitia) of the Registri Panigarola , and with them the runaway discourse on the endangered republic. In the last cries of the Ambrosian Republic(demonstare la sua fede et amore portano al Stato nostro ambrosiano), we hear not identities, but the intentions of identity, not belonging, but the will to belong. In the breach, a new political language is emerging. This posed a specific problem for the new masters of Milan: how to erase its traces?
11:00am - 12:00pm
The breach : Ambrosian revolutions
Patrick Boucheron
11:00am - 12:00pm