What makes Ambrosian hymns Ambrosian? Returning to the beleaguered basilica where Ambrose invented a new form for Christian hymnody, we aim to understand the link between poetic intuition and political institution. But it's also a way of raising the question of the relationship between the author's name and the authority of the name. Based on the manuscript transmission of the Ambrosian hymnary, its dissemination in the liturgical corpus and its integration into the patristic canon, the session is devoted to shedding some light on the invention of the category "Church Fathers", from pseudo-Gelasius to Boniface VIII. Over and above the florilegia and canonical collections that reflect the agreement of the Fathers - in François Dolbeau's words, "a kind of virtual council of authors deemed orthodox" - we attempt to grasp Ambrose's own place in the Ambrosian tradition. In other words, what part did Ambrose play in shaping his textual memory? Using his correspondence as an epistolary collection, which includes dedicatees rather than correspondents, we suggest the importance of a more general investigation into the names of works. Martino Corbo's invention of the opera omnia and the collection of Ambrosian manuscripts in the seventeenthcentury are analyzed according to the categories of canonization and decanonization proposed by Jack Goody.
11:00am - 12:00pm
Canonization and " decanonization " of a patristic authority
Patrick Boucheron
11:00am - 12:00pm