The city, as a fictional space, can be defined as a constellation of biographemes attached to places. The session is devoted to a re-reading of early Christian archaeology in Milan (based in particular on recent work by Silvia Lusuardi Siena and her students), from a perspective inspired by the urban sociology of recollection proposed by Maurice Halbwachs in La Topographie légendaire des évangiles en Terre sainte (1941). It's a question of testing the "resistance of things", not from places of memory, but from itineraries, circulations, correspondences and starbursts. Through a methodical analysis of the Christianization of Milanese space by the Ambrosian basilicas, its imprint on urban development and its reactivation by liturgical time (up to Charles Borromeo's policies of remembrance), we seek to illustrate the three phases of a policy of remodeling: reinvestment, transactions, consolidation. Ambrose, defensor civitatis, has already accomplished this program in his policy of land occupation and relic translation. The Basilica of San Nazaro, its monumental portico and the Constantinian model of theApostoleion bear witness to the reinterpretation of the imperial capital ad modum crucis (Marco Sannazaro).
11:00am - 12:00pm
The legendary topography of Ambrosian memorabilia in Milan
Patrick Boucheron
11:00am - 12:00pm