Introduction and aims of the lecture. A brief history of the discovery of enhancersequences , the importance of this new concept in relation to the notion of genomic equivalence. Approaches (past and recent) to detecting such sequences and some functional tests.
This year's lecture will focus on the most recent developments in the regulation of developmental genes via enhancers . After a general introduction to the raison d'être of these regulatory sequences and a few historical points concerning pleiotropy and the discovery of enhancers themselves in the early 1980s, this first lesson presents and discusses some of the ways in which such sequences can be isolated, as well as the functional tests that enable them to be labelled " sequence enhancer ". Inparticular, the " reporter genes " systems are described, based either on the activation of the LacZ gene , or of genes coding for fluorescent proteins. The advantages and disadvantages of these alternative approaches are discussed.