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" A reference for all cosmology enthusiasts ! Although numerous discoveries in recent years have enabled us to gain a better understanding of our Universe, 95 % of its content, made up of dark matter … Published on 20 October 2015 News Climate, energy and society: the Collège de France and COP21. Colloquium organized by Edouard Bard in the presence of Monsieur François Hollande, President of the Republic. November 9, 2015. Collège de France Climate, energy and society: the Collège de France and COP 21. November 9, 2015 from 8:45 to 17:30. Symposium organized by Edouard Bard in the presence of François Hollande, President of the French Republic. Registration required. Due to the capacity of … Published on 20 October 2015 News Matter and creation. Conversation between Alain Prochiantz and Tony Cragg Alain Prochiantz, chair Morphogenetic processes Video transcript Alain Prochiantz (AP) : Why is Tony Cragg at the Collège de France ? Because I've known Tony Cragg for a long time, he had an exhibition at Beaubourg some twenty years ago, he had read some of my work, I don't know why, it's … Published on 15 October 2015 News Collège de France posters produced between the 17th and 19th centuries Collège de France The Collège de France, with the support of Paris Sciences et Lettres, has restored and digitized its lecture posters produced between the 17th and 19th centuries (from 1688 to 1900). Today, this project gives the public and researchers remote access to a … Published on 13 October 2015 News Opening symposium 2016 : " Lumière, lumières " Collège de France Light, light Since the dawn of time, light has fascinated and troubled human beings. In Antiquity, solar cults were important, and 19th-century historians of religion gave them even greater importance, to the point of wanting to understand all ancient … Published on 13 October 2015 News november 16-17 - International Symposium on Macroporous Materials Clément Sanchez, chair Hybrid materials chemistry From Novel Preparation Techniques to Advanced Applications Opening Clément Sanchez, Chair in Hybrid Materials Chemistry New synthetic approaches to macroporous materials Ice-segregation based techniques: Dr. S. Deville Integrative chemistry toward … Published on 8 October 2015 News COP21, three symposia at the Collège de France Collège de France A few weeks ahead of the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21) in Paris, citizens, associations and politicians are mobilizing. Scientists, too, are making their voices heard to fuel the fundamental debate that accompanies these … Published on 7 October 2015 News Bernard Derrida, Professor at the Collège de France, receives the Prix des Trois Physiciens 2015 Bernard Derrida, chair Statistical physics This prize, founded by Madame Eugène Bloch, perpetuates the memory of the three founders of the Physics Laboratory at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Henri Abraham, Eugène Bloch and Georges Bruhat, all of whom were deported to Nazi camps. The winner of the … Published on 25 September 2015 News october 5 - Dante sung by Corsican polyphonic group A Ricuccata Carlo Ossola, chair Modern literature of Neolatin Europe To mark the 750th anniversary of the Poet's birth (1265-2015), the Corsican polyphonic group A Ricuccata : Augustin Baccarelli, Jean-Luc Ciccoli, Jacques Filippi, Nicolas Sisson, under the direction of François Berlinghi, sing a cappella : Dante, … Published on 23 September 2015 News 4 lectures by Prof. Rothman, winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Alain Prochiantz, chair Morphogenetic processes James Rothman, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2013, Professor of Cell Biology at Yale University, will give 4 lectures. Friday, September 18 On the Sorting of Proteins to Compartmentalize the Cell - the Story of Three Nobel Prizes from a Modern … Published on 10 September 2015 News september 19 and 20 - Exhibition dedicated to the " dialogue of civilizations" Collège de France As part of this year's European Heritage Days on September 19 and 20, the Collège de France is staging an exhibition entitled "The Dialogue of Civilizations", where the general public can discover rare and precious objects collected over the centuries by … Published on 9 September 2015 News Taking responsibility seriously Alain Supiot, chair The Social State and Globalization: A Legal Analysis of Forms of Solidarity Alain Supiot and Mireille Delmas-Marty Taking responsibility seriously The result of an international colloquium organized at the Collège de France by Alain Supiot and Mireille Delmas-Marty on June 11 and 12 2015 , this book aims to restore the legal … Published on 1 September 2015 News Symposium "Tribute to François Jacob" François Jacob, chair Cellular genetics Organized by Edith Heard, Epigenetics and Cellular Memory, Nicole Le Douarin, Cellular and Molecular Embryology and Alain Prochiantz, Morphogenetic Processes, on September 15, 2015 at the Collège de France, Marguerite de Navarre amphitheater (Marcelin … Published on 24 August 2015 News Prof. Édouard Bard, Foreign Member of the US National Academy of Sciences Edouard Bard, chair Climate and Ocean Evolution Prof. Édouard Bard at the US National Academy of Sciences Founded in 1863 by an act of the US Congress, signed by President Abraham Lincoln, the US National Academy of Sciences is a forum of scientists charged with providing independent and objective … Published on 1 August 2015 News European Heritage Days 2015 at the Collège de France Collège de France The Collège de France will be opening its doors to the general public on Saturday September 19 and Sunday September 20, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. , as part of the European Heritage Days, whose theme this year is " 21st-century heritage, a story for the … Published on 21 July 2015 News Prix de l'Académie française - Pr de Libera Alain de Libera, chair History of medieval philosophy Prof. Alain de Libera, holder of the History of Medieval Philosophy chair , has been awarded the 2015 Grand Prix de Philosophie de l'Académie française. This annual prize, created in 1987, is awarded for a body of philosophical work. Access the list of … Published on 2 July 2015 News Le Collège de France Five centuries of free research. Editions Gallimard/Collège de France, 2015. Collège de France Antoine Compagnon, Pierre Corvol and John Scheid. A forum for discussion and free inquiry par excellence, the Collège de France occupies a unique place in the French and academic world. While constantly adapting to the evolution of knowledge, the … Published on 26 June 2015 News Daxue and Zhongyong readings - June 18, 2015 Anne Cheng, chair Chinese Intellectual History Professor Andrew Plaks (Princeton University) will give a seminar on reading the Daxue (The Great Study) and the Zhongyong (The Unchanging Middle) on Thursday June 18, from 2 pm to 4 pm. The seminar will be held at the Collège de France's Cardinal Lemoine … Published on 2 June 2015 News Philologie et musicologie II - International Franco-Italian symposium, June 18, 19 and 20, 2015 in Rome Michel Zink, chair Literatures of medieval France June 18 and 20, 2015 Institut français Largo Giuseppe Toniolo, 20-22 Roma June 19, 2015 Sapienza Università di Roma Villa Mirafiori via Carlo Fea, 2 Roma The colloquium brings together musicologists, philologists and musicians to address the question of … Published on 1 June 2015 News The Collège de France. Five centuries of free research Antoine Compagnon, chair Modern and contemporary French literature : history, criticism, theory Authors : Antoine Compagnon, Pierre Corvol and John Scheid. Éditions Gallimard / Collège de France, 2015, Paris. Documents and media Browse the book on the Gallimard website Antoine Compagnon, chair Modern and contemporary French literature : history, … Published on 29 May 2015 News FromCO2 to hydrocarbons: a salutary reversal - Pr Fontecave June 16, 2015 Marc Fontecave, chair Chemistry of Biological Processes Marc Fontecave, member of the Académie des Sciences, Professor at the Collège de France The development of new technologies for harnessing renewable energies, such as solar and wind power, which are diluted and intermittent, requires the development of … Published on 28 May 2015 News "They say that...". The Zoroastrian and Manichaean religious controversy". Colloquium June 12-13, 2015 Collège de France Organized by Mihaela Timus and Flavia Ruani Co-organizers: Mihaela Timuș (associate lecturer, Collège de France, 2013-2015) and Flavia Ruani (post-doc, Ghent University) with technical assistance from Marie Guérin (scientific and administrative … Published on 28 May 2015 Pagination First page Previous page … Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Current page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 … Next page Last page
News Collège de France lectures in Tunisia 2015-2016 Collège de France Marie-Paule Cani Annual Chair: "Computer Sciences and Digital Technologies" november 4, 3pm: École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis november 5 at 10am: SUP'COM - Cité Technologique des Communications - El Ghazala Jacques Livage Chair: "Condensed Matter … Published on 30 October 2015
News 3ᵉ Journée Bio & Math sur la Montagne - November 3, 2015 Collège de France The Montagne Sainte-Geneviève is home to a large number of research groups, notably at the CIRB (Collège de France), UPMC, IJM, ENS, Institut Curie... whose work lies at the interface of mathematics and biology: population biology, evolution, … Published on 22 October 2015
News Publication of La matière noire, clé de l'univers ? by Françoise Combes Françoise Combes, chair Galaxies and Cosmology Françoise Combes Dark matter, the key to the Universe? " A reference for all cosmology enthusiasts ! Although numerous discoveries in recent years have enabled us to gain a better understanding of our Universe, 95 % of its content, made up of dark matter … Published on 20 October 2015
News Climate, energy and society: the Collège de France and COP21. Colloquium organized by Edouard Bard in the presence of Monsieur François Hollande, President of the Republic. November 9, 2015. Collège de France Climate, energy and society: the Collège de France and COP 21. November 9, 2015 from 8:45 to 17:30. Symposium organized by Edouard Bard in the presence of François Hollande, President of the French Republic. Registration required. Due to the capacity of … Published on 20 October 2015
News Matter and creation. Conversation between Alain Prochiantz and Tony Cragg Alain Prochiantz, chair Morphogenetic processes Video transcript Alain Prochiantz (AP) : Why is Tony Cragg at the Collège de France ? Because I've known Tony Cragg for a long time, he had an exhibition at Beaubourg some twenty years ago, he had read some of my work, I don't know why, it's … Published on 15 October 2015
News Collège de France posters produced between the 17th and 19th centuries Collège de France The Collège de France, with the support of Paris Sciences et Lettres, has restored and digitized its lecture posters produced between the 17th and 19th centuries (from 1688 to 1900). Today, this project gives the public and researchers remote access to a … Published on 13 October 2015
News Opening symposium 2016 : " Lumière, lumières " Collège de France Light, light Since the dawn of time, light has fascinated and troubled human beings. In Antiquity, solar cults were important, and 19th-century historians of religion gave them even greater importance, to the point of wanting to understand all ancient … Published on 13 October 2015
News november 16-17 - International Symposium on Macroporous Materials Clément Sanchez, chair Hybrid materials chemistry From Novel Preparation Techniques to Advanced Applications Opening Clément Sanchez, Chair in Hybrid Materials Chemistry New synthetic approaches to macroporous materials Ice-segregation based techniques: Dr. S. Deville Integrative chemistry toward … Published on 8 October 2015
News COP21, three symposia at the Collège de France Collège de France A few weeks ahead of the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21) in Paris, citizens, associations and politicians are mobilizing. Scientists, too, are making their voices heard to fuel the fundamental debate that accompanies these … Published on 7 October 2015
News Bernard Derrida, Professor at the Collège de France, receives the Prix des Trois Physiciens 2015 Bernard Derrida, chair Statistical physics This prize, founded by Madame Eugène Bloch, perpetuates the memory of the three founders of the Physics Laboratory at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Henri Abraham, Eugène Bloch and Georges Bruhat, all of whom were deported to Nazi camps. The winner of the … Published on 25 September 2015
News october 5 - Dante sung by Corsican polyphonic group A Ricuccata Carlo Ossola, chair Modern literature of Neolatin Europe To mark the 750th anniversary of the Poet's birth (1265-2015), the Corsican polyphonic group A Ricuccata : Augustin Baccarelli, Jean-Luc Ciccoli, Jacques Filippi, Nicolas Sisson, under the direction of François Berlinghi, sing a cappella : Dante, … Published on 23 September 2015
News 4 lectures by Prof. Rothman, winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Alain Prochiantz, chair Morphogenetic processes James Rothman, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2013, Professor of Cell Biology at Yale University, will give 4 lectures. Friday, September 18 On the Sorting of Proteins to Compartmentalize the Cell - the Story of Three Nobel Prizes from a Modern … Published on 10 September 2015
News september 19 and 20 - Exhibition dedicated to the " dialogue of civilizations" Collège de France As part of this year's European Heritage Days on September 19 and 20, the Collège de France is staging an exhibition entitled "The Dialogue of Civilizations", where the general public can discover rare and precious objects collected over the centuries by … Published on 9 September 2015
News Taking responsibility seriously Alain Supiot, chair The Social State and Globalization: A Legal Analysis of Forms of Solidarity Alain Supiot and Mireille Delmas-Marty Taking responsibility seriously The result of an international colloquium organized at the Collège de France by Alain Supiot and Mireille Delmas-Marty on June 11 and 12 2015 , this book aims to restore the legal … Published on 1 September 2015
News Symposium "Tribute to François Jacob" François Jacob, chair Cellular genetics Organized by Edith Heard, Epigenetics and Cellular Memory, Nicole Le Douarin, Cellular and Molecular Embryology and Alain Prochiantz, Morphogenetic Processes, on September 15, 2015 at the Collège de France, Marguerite de Navarre amphitheater (Marcelin … Published on 24 August 2015
News Prof. Édouard Bard, Foreign Member of the US National Academy of Sciences Edouard Bard, chair Climate and Ocean Evolution Prof. Édouard Bard at the US National Academy of Sciences Founded in 1863 by an act of the US Congress, signed by President Abraham Lincoln, the US National Academy of Sciences is a forum of scientists charged with providing independent and objective … Published on 1 August 2015
News European Heritage Days 2015 at the Collège de France Collège de France The Collège de France will be opening its doors to the general public on Saturday September 19 and Sunday September 20, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. , as part of the European Heritage Days, whose theme this year is " 21st-century heritage, a story for the … Published on 21 July 2015
News Prix de l'Académie française - Pr de Libera Alain de Libera, chair History of medieval philosophy Prof. Alain de Libera, holder of the History of Medieval Philosophy chair , has been awarded the 2015 Grand Prix de Philosophie de l'Académie française. This annual prize, created in 1987, is awarded for a body of philosophical work. Access the list of … Published on 2 July 2015
News Le Collège de France Five centuries of free research. Editions Gallimard/Collège de France, 2015. Collège de France Antoine Compagnon, Pierre Corvol and John Scheid. A forum for discussion and free inquiry par excellence, the Collège de France occupies a unique place in the French and academic world. While constantly adapting to the evolution of knowledge, the … Published on 26 June 2015
News Daxue and Zhongyong readings - June 18, 2015 Anne Cheng, chair Chinese Intellectual History Professor Andrew Plaks (Princeton University) will give a seminar on reading the Daxue (The Great Study) and the Zhongyong (The Unchanging Middle) on Thursday June 18, from 2 pm to 4 pm. The seminar will be held at the Collège de France's Cardinal Lemoine … Published on 2 June 2015
News Philologie et musicologie II - International Franco-Italian symposium, June 18, 19 and 20, 2015 in Rome Michel Zink, chair Literatures of medieval France June 18 and 20, 2015 Institut français Largo Giuseppe Toniolo, 20-22 Roma June 19, 2015 Sapienza Università di Roma Villa Mirafiori via Carlo Fea, 2 Roma The colloquium brings together musicologists, philologists and musicians to address the question of … Published on 1 June 2015
News The Collège de France. Five centuries of free research Antoine Compagnon, chair Modern and contemporary French literature : history, criticism, theory Authors : Antoine Compagnon, Pierre Corvol and John Scheid. Éditions Gallimard / Collège de France, 2015, Paris. Documents and media Browse the book on the Gallimard website Antoine Compagnon, chair Modern and contemporary French literature : history, … Published on 29 May 2015
News FromCO2 to hydrocarbons: a salutary reversal - Pr Fontecave June 16, 2015 Marc Fontecave, chair Chemistry of Biological Processes Marc Fontecave, member of the Académie des Sciences, Professor at the Collège de France The development of new technologies for harnessing renewable energies, such as solar and wind power, which are diluted and intermittent, requires the development of … Published on 28 May 2015
News "They say that...". The Zoroastrian and Manichaean religious controversy". Colloquium June 12-13, 2015 Collège de France Organized by Mihaela Timus and Flavia Ruani Co-organizers: Mihaela Timuș (associate lecturer, Collège de France, 2013-2015) and Flavia Ruani (post-doc, Ghent University) with technical assistance from Marie Guérin (scientific and administrative … Published on 28 May 2015