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Daniel Dubuisson
Director of Research Emeritus at the CNRS, where he spent his entire career (1976-2015). Member of the editorial board of the journal Method and Theory in the Study of Religion. In addition to some 80 articles, his publications include: La légende royale dans l'Inde ancienne, Râma et le Râmâyana (preface by Georges Dumézil), Paris, Économica, 1986. Mythologies du XXe siècle. Dumézil, Eliade, Lévi-Strauss, Lille, PUL, 1993 (translated into Italian 1995, English 2006 and Romanian 2003). L'Occident et la religion. Mythes, science et idéologie, Brussels, Complexe, 1998 (translated into English, 2003). Religion and Magic in Western Culture, Leiden, Brill, 2016. The Invention of Religions, Sheffield, Equinox Publishing, 2019 (French version L'Invention des religions, CNRS éditions, 2020).