Martin Meyer

Martin Meyer (b. 1951) is a journalist, publicist and author. From 1974, he was editor-in-chief of the reporting section of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, and from 1992 to the end of 2015, he was its boss. He studied history, German literature and philosophy at the University of Zurich, receiving his doctorate in 1976 with a thesis on Schiller and German Romanticism. Other books followed on Ernst Jünger, on the theme of the end of history, on Thomas Mann's diaries and on the war of values. Recently published by Carl Hanser : " Piranesis Zukunft. Essays zu Literatur und Kunst " (The Future of Piranesi. Essays on LiteratureandArt, 2009), as well as the major monograph " Albert Camus - Die Freiheit leben " (Albert Camus - LivingFreedom, 2013), the book " Gerade gestern. Vom allmählichen Verschwinden des Gewohnten " (Just yesterday. On the gradual disappearance of the familiar, 2018) as well as the collection of interviews with Rüdiger Safranski and Michael Krüger " Klassiker ! "(Classique, 2019). In 2003, Meyer received the prestigious European Essay Prize from the Charles Veillon Foundation. Meyer is, among other things, a corresponding member of the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung (German Academy of Language and Poetry) and a member of the Zürcher Gelehrten Gesellschaft (Learned Society of Zurich). Since 2008, he has been a delegate and, since 2013, Chairman of the Board of the Swiss Institute for International Research. In 2011, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of St. Gallen for his journalistic and scientific work. In 2014, he was awarded the Cythère Prize and in 2016 the Ludwig Börne Prize.