In its maritime section, the symposium held in Aspiran in 2013 and published in 2020(Nouvelles recherches sur les dolia. L'exemple de la Méditerranée nord-occidentale à l'époque romaine (Ier s. avant. J.-C.- IIIes. ap. J.-C.), edited by Charlotte Carrato and Franca Cibecchini, Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise, Supplément 50, 2020) has led to a considerable reassessment of the role of dolia ships in wine transport from the reign of Augustus onwards. The aim of this one-day workshop is to review a number of points that have remained unresolved or under debate: the period of use of this type of vessel and the role of dolia port warehouses, the most spectacular examples of which are at Ostia and Marseilles.
The seminar will take the form of a discussion between Giulia Boetto (CNRS-Centre Camille Jullian), Jean-Pierre Brun (Collège de France), Charlotte Carrato (MA), Marie-Brigitte Carre (CNRS), Franca Cibecchini (DRASSM), Sabrina Marlier (Musée départemental Arles antique) and André Tchernia (EHESS).