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With the collaboration of Yolanda Peña Cervantes, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid.


Olive trees and olive oil in the Hispanic provinces. State of the question. For a long time, interest in olive production in Hispania has focused on amphorae and their marketing, much more than on identifying the places where oil was produced and the spaces devoted to it. A first synthesis of the subject was proposed in Brun J.-P., Archéologie du vin et de l'huile dans l'Empire romain, 2004, Chapter VII : " La péninsule Ibérique ", p. 261-302. For the purposes of this study, we have attempted to identify the locations where oil was produced and where oil presses were located, without concealing the difficulties involved in such identification, as well as the need to differentiate these locations from wine-making facilities, as we have already noted in relation to other locations in the Mediterranean. Generally speaking, oil mills in Hispania are rarely mentioned.