Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Circulation of concepts in the media and social networks

Social networks as a battlefield : attention dynamics and concept circulation in the Twittersphere

From politics to discussions on global warming to debates on vaccination, social networks are increasingly influencing what happens offline, whereas they were non-existent just twenty years ago. This virtualization of social interactions raises as many major challenges for our democracies as it does new research questions. On the one hand, the acceleration of information and the amplification of disinformation and misinformation phenomena give us the impression of a disruption and weakening of the social fabric and public debate. On the other hand, the analysis of online exchanges and the resulting reconstruction of social groups offer a new perspective on the evolution of social groups. We will illustrate these issues and phenomena using analyses carried out within the Politoscope project, a CNRS facility that has been analyzing political and media exchanges on social networks such as Twitter or 4Chan since 2016.


Chavalarias, D., 2022. ToxicData. Comment les réseaux manipulent nos opinions, Paris, Flammarion.

Chavalarias, D., Gaumont, N., Panahi, M., 2019, "Hostility and proselytizing of political communities", Réseaux n° 214-215, 67-107.

Gaumont, N., Panahi, M., Chavalarias, D., 2018, "Reconstruction of the socio-semantic dynamics of political activist Twitter networks - Method and application to the 2017 French presidential election". PLOS ONE 13,e0201879.


David Chavalarias

CNRS Research Director at CAMS - Director of the Paris Ile-de-France Complex Systems Institute