In his Liber gestorum in Lombardia, notary and chronicler Pietro Azario includes an anecdote from the novellistica in his account of Bernabò Visconti. Is this a case of the contamination of history by fiction? We propose to treat it here as an inflammation: in the fire of fiction, history becomes available for understanding in terms of political anthropology - in particular with regard to the exercise of justice and the use ofarbitrium. We attempt to show this by means of a codicological analysis of a 15th-century composite manuscript, which compiles short stories with Bernabò Visconti as protagonist, as well as Goro Dati's Storia di Firenze . Here, too, is what Machiavelli was looking for in his Life of Castruccio Castracani, bringing to a close the textual archaeology enterprise that concludes with this fourth lesson devoted to the strange literary destiny of the Milanese tyrant: it is when historical narrative opens up to the fictional power of the Bernabò Visconti case, to its capacity for novelizing reality, that it lets through not the truth of the fact, but that of the historical moment.
11:00 - 12:00
The Bernabò case
4. History in the heat of fiction
4. History in the heat of fiction
Patrick Boucheron
11:00 - 12:00