Mobilizing the notions of "textual migrations" (Roger Chartier) and "architextuality" (Gérard Genette), borrowing from contemporary critical theory the concept of "novellisation" (Jan Baetens and Matthieu Letourneux) and from medievalists the question of the relationship between novus and brevitas (Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet and Nelly Labère), the lecture attempts to define the short story as a genre, in its relationship to truth, exemplarity, orality and novelty. It's this last notion that calls for historians' attention: how do we articulate novella and avvenimenti, what's new in the short story? Cutting through the depths of the past, the novella makes manifest the dream horizon of good government: this was already the case in the 13th century with the Novellino, or Libro di novelle e di bel parlar gentile. With the character of Ezzelino da Romano, we rediscover the bloody and grotesque origins of tyranny.
11:00 - 12:00
News and novelties: the novelization of historical reality
Patrick Boucheron
11:00 - 12:00