Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Film: Kippur (2000)

Yom Kippur (2000)

During the 1973 Yom Kippur War, I was part of a rescue team. For us, the enemy was death : we had to save people. When our helicopter flew over Syrian territory, I saw villages, jeeps and bases, and that's when the missile hit us and our helicopter crashed. From rescuers, we became victims. I had started filming with a small Super 8 camera during the war, but it took me 27 years to be able to make a fiction film about this experience. In 27 years, what was just a personal trauma took on a symbolic dimension. Israel is a strange country : every time you think you've settled your relationship with it, you realize that reality has shifted, that it's in permanent transformation. I'm aware that I'm just one individual inside this great mechanism, perhaps a witness, almost in the Hitchcockian sense of the term : in the sense of witnessing a crime. I won't speak in terms of a mission, but there's something I have to translate through my own eyes. At the same time, Israel is a very touching country, there's something real and direct about it, things are very raw, not camouflaged, rather quite exposed. All this deserves a strong look.

"The principle of filming the war in Kippur is simple and clear. Favoring real time [...] making the camera an extra person walking alongside the soldiers, running behind the others to climb into the chopper about to take off [...]. The viewer is inside the war while remaining outside the group, accompanying them from a distance. The film never feeds the spectator's fantasy of becoming one with them."
Charles Tesson, Cahiers du Cinéma, n° 549, September 2000

Guest star : Jean-Michel Frodon

Jean-Michel Frodon was Editorial Director of Cahiers du cinéma from 2003 to 2009, after working as a journalist and critic for Le Monde. He is currently Associate Professor at Sciences-Po Paris and teaches at Saint Andrews University in Scotland. He was associate curator of the exhibition Chris Marker, les 7 vies d'un cinéaste held at the Cinémathèque française from May 3 to July 29 2018. He regularly writes film reviews, which can be accessed on his blog :

In 2009, together with Amos Gitaï and Marie-José Sanselme, he published Genèses (éditions Gallimard), a step-by-step look back at the genesis of Amos Gitaï's films, their maturation, and the twists and turns of a singular creative process, through the point of view of each of the three authors.