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Amos Gitaï offers 9 sessions on the theme of "Crossing Borders ".

These sessions, which take place every Tuesday, from 11am to 12:30pm, from October 23 to December 11, 2018, will be followed by a colloquium on June 6 and 7, 2019. The aim will be for the filmmaker to examine, with supporting images, the formal and thematic questions that his cinematographic work seeks to construct, from an ethical, political and artistic point of view. During each session, the analyses of works that will support the theoretical propositions will be accompanied by film extracts that are not intended to illustrate the subject but to problematize it. Some sessions will take the form of a dialogue with a personality chosen according to the theme.

"For Amos Gitaï, travel is inseparable from borders. We travel because there are borders, of all kinds and in all states (closed, open, porous, apparent, secret...). Travel is the form, and the border is the question [1]
Jean-Michel Frodon - Critic and teacher at Sciences Po

