Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The earliest notations in French Creole are reported speech, brief narratives, extracts from court records, religious documents and so on. The predicates of these Creole statements, derived from French verbs, are not inflected. The temporal inscription of these events and states in a temporal interval prior to the moment of enunciation is to be deduced from the situation and discursive context. If we follow Benazzo's (2009) observations on the genesis of systems for the linguistic expression of temporality, the two primordial moments in the development of these systems are the temporal anchoring of the experiences evoked, followed by the establishment of an aspectual perspective on the relationships between the facts evoked. The development of TAM markers in Atlantic and Indian Oceanic French Creoles shows strong similarities, both in the morphosyntactic positioning of markers to the left of the predicative lexeme and in their semantics. The first traces of a grammaticalization of the expression of temporality in French Creole languages seem to be linked to the reanalysis of the marker été  +  Vé or est à  +  V. I propose to discuss the contribution of (é)té  +  Véto the establishment of an aspecto-temporal system in French Creoles. The emergence of this anteriority marker creates an initial aspecto-temporal opposition between Ø  +  Véand   +  Vé. Following Librova (2019) inter alia, we could resort to notions of reanalysis and convergence between French and African languages spoken by slaves, to explain the beginnings of the grammaticalization of temporality in French creoles.

Georges Daniel Véronique

Georges Daniel Véronique

I was born in Port-Louis, Mauritius in 1948. I defended my doctoral thesis in linguistics (1983) and obtained my habilitation to direct research (1991) at the University of Aix-Marseille  1, France. From 1994 to 2005, I was Professor of Linguistics and Didactics at the University of Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle. From 2005 to 2016, I taught French linguistics, Creole studies and didactics of French as a foreign language at the University of Aix-Marseille. My research focuses on languages in contact, foreign language acquisition, French creoles and the didactics of French as a foreign language. In these fields, my work has focused on the morphology, syntax and semantics of temporality, spatiality and phrasal constructions. I have been President of the Comité international des études créoles (CIEC) and of the Association pour la Promotion et la Diffusion des Études Créoles (APRODEC) since 2012.


Georges Daniel Véronique

Professor Emeritus, Aix-Marseille University, UMR7309 LOP