After entering the field of linguistic dynamics with a thesis on the dialectology and diachrony of Romance languages, the field of mixed languages represents the major part of the scientific work of German Romanist Hugo Schuchardt, whose thinking is based on a model of linguistic kinship (Sch. 1917), which, in his view, cannot be projected by a two-dimensional, unilinear tree structure, as " there is no totally unmixed language " (Sch. 1884:3). Failing to identify a global model of language contact, the many detailed studies of languages in contact with Romance languages, creole languages and contact languages lead the author to a nuanced, modern view of linguistic dynamics. Starting with Schuchardt's portrait in " Lingua Franca " (Sch. 1909), we will explain language change as a multi-dimensional phenomenon, in which " ethnological " (Sch. 1883b)factors are added to general factors, including, in particular, the modalities of language contact.