Published on 17 June 2022

Books published in 2021-2022 by The Collège de France Publishing Department

In digital or printed form, available in open access or from your bookseller, discover the 13 latest publications, which reflect the activity of our institution, as close as possible to fundamental research.

Opening and closing lectures

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Sciences, humanities, computing, environment, literature... the Collège de France is rich in the diversity of its lectures. The "Leçons inaugurales" collection, co-published with Fayard for the print version, brings together the first solemn lectures given by professors on the occasion of their installation at the Collège de France. Echoing these opening speeches, the "Leçons de clôture" collection features the last lectures given by some of our professors in the course of their professorship, as a way of taking stock of their research and concluding their teaching.

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"Maps and fictions (16th-18th centuries)", Roger Chartier

Inaugurated this year, the "Faire savoir" collection features books based on research carried out at the Collège de France. Some books are the culmination of recent, unpublished work, while others are based on older, unpublished studies.

The first book in this series, by Professor Roger Chartier, explores the use of maps in books of fiction, mainly in France and England, but also in Spain and Italy, between the 16th and 18th centuries. This investigation takes us from Cervantes' Don Quixote to the Venetian editions of works by L'Ariosto and Petrarch, via Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels and the Carte de Tendre in Mademoiselle de Scudéry's Clélie.

Opening symposia

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"Civilisations: questioning identity and diversity", Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge and Lluis Quintana-Murci (eds.)

Building on its multidisciplinary approach, the Collège de France organizes an annual opening symposium on a theme chosen for its importance or topicality, the proceedings of which are co-published with Odile Jacob in the "Colloques de rentrée" collection.

In the latest volume, jurists, historians, philosophers, sociologists, archaeologists, paleontologists, geneticists, doctors and anthropologists examine the notion of civilization, and aim to contribute to a number of major contemporary issues: migration policies, globalization, international law, population genetics and health.


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"Europe's geopolitical awakening", Luuk van Middelaar

Some of the lectures given by visiting professors, as well as research carried out at the Collège de France and presented and discussed at numerous colloquia, are included in the "Conférences" collection.
In his book, Dutch historian Luuk van Middelaar, invited as part of the Europe Cycle at Collège de France, addresses the question of the "awakening" of the Old Continent. At a time when the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine are reshuffling the cards of world order, affecting even the greatest powers, the time has come for the European Union to undergo a geopolitical metamorphosis.

Docet Omnia

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"Introduction to the Avesta. The sacred liturgical recitative of the Zoroastrians", Jean Kellens and Céline Redard

The "Docet omnia" collection, co-published with Les Belles Lettres, has welcomed a scholarly work by Prof. Jean Kellens and Céline Redard (postdoctoral researcher at SOAS), who offer an analysis of theAvesta, a collection of texts sacred to the Zoroastrian communities of Iran, India and the diaspora. The book presents the workings of this literary machine through a study of the modes of transmission, structural particularities and liturgical intentions that presided over the textual assemblages

Collège de France Yearbook

Cover of the Collège de France yearbook 2018-2019

The Collège de France Yearbook.Abstract des cours et travaux is the annual reflection of the institution's scientific activity. It contains abstracts of professors' lectures, a presentation of the research carried out by their teams, and a complete list of their publications. The 119th edition is dedicated to the 2018-2019 year.