
The first lecture of a new professor at the Collège de France, whether tenured or invited to an annual or multi-year chair, is his or her opening lecture. Solemnly delivered in the presence of his colleagues and a large audience, it's an opportunity for him to present, in a clear and concise form, the major themes, latest advances and prospects of his research.

Published since 1949, many of these opening lectures have been outstanding, even resounding, events in their field and time. They are aimed at a wide readership, keen to gain a better understanding of developments in contemporary science and intellectual life.

The Collège de France Publishing Department reintroduced this collection in September 2023, after twenty years of co-publishing with Fayard. All titles published under this partnership, which have been unavailable since January1 2024, are gradually being reintegrated into The Collège de France Publishing Department catalog and remarketed.

At the same time, the opening lectures are being published and distributed in digital form, in freemiumopen access , in French and, for some of them, in translations in English, Spanish (thanks to a partnership with the Argentinian publisher Siglo XXI) and other languages.

The opening lectures are on sale in bookshops and at the reception desk of the Collège de France heritage library.

The most recent can also be purchased online.