Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Abstract from Anne-Hélène Hoog's presentation

How can we make the most of today's comics heritage ? What does an original comic strip mean to the public, and how can we raise awareness of the issues involved in preserving the artistic heritage of comics ?

Anne-Hélène Hoog

Anne-Hélène Hoog

Historian and mediologist. From 1998 to 2017 : curator of historical collections and judaica at the mahJ in Paris and curator of numerous exhibitions (including " The Wandering Jew ", " Alfred Dreyfus ", " Moses, figures of a prophet ", " De Superman au Chat du rabbin ", " Les mondes de Gotlieb ", " Ô vous frères humains - Luz dessine Albert Cohen ", " Goscinny, au-delà du rire "). Since November 2017, director-curator of the musée de la bande dessinée. Curator of the exhibitions " BD Drawing correspondances ", " Calvo ", " From Popeye to Persepolis ".

Abstract from François Schuiten's talk

Originals, galleries and museums.

François Schuiten

François Schuiten

François Schuiten was born in Brussels on April 26 1956, into a family with a strong architectural tradition. He produced two albums with Claude Renard : Aux médianes de Cymbiola and Le Rail. With his brother Luc, he developed the Terres creuses cycle. Since 1980, he has been working with Benoît Peeters on the Les Cités Obscures series. His albums have been translated into some fifteen languages and won numerous awards. He has produced numerous illustrations, posters and postage stamps throughout Europe. François Schuiten has also designed the " Arts et Métiers " metro station in Paris and the " Porte de Hal " metro station in Brussels, as well as staging various opera and dance performances. He participated in the design of the films Taxandria, Les Quarxs, Mr Nobody and Mars et Avril. He has designed pavilions for several world exhibitions : the Luxembourg pavilion in Seville in 1992, the Utopia theme park in Hanover in 2000 - which welcomed five million visitors -, and the Belgian pavilion at the World Expo in Aïchi (Japan) in 2005. In 2002, he was awarded the Grand Prix d'Angoulême for his body of work. He published his first solo book, La Douce, in 2012 and designed a train museum, Train World, which opened in Brussels in 2015.

Abstract from Jean-Baptiste Barbier's talk

The place of comics in museums and national collections.

Jean-Baptiste Barbier

Jean-Baptiste Barbier

A collector and comic strip enthusiast, Jean-Baptiste Barbier set up his own art gallery in 2000. He represents artists such as Catherine Meurisse, Enki Bilal, Pénélope Bagieu, Philippe Druillet, Christophe Blain and Blutch. In recent years, the gallery has also turned its attention to a new generation of authors such as AJ Dungo, Maurane Mazars, Léonie Bischoff and Elene Usdin. As an exhibition curator, he was involved in the creation of Christophe Blain's " Dessiner le temps " and Philippe Druillet's " Les 6 voyages " for the Angoulême Festival.


Anne-Hélène Hoog

CIBDI Angoulême

François Schuiten


Jean-Baptiste Barbier

Gallery Director