Abstract of Pierre Nocérino's speech
This talk will look at the various professional problems faced by comic book authors, from job insecurity and sexism to the difficulty of forming a genuine professional group capable of collectively defending their interests. Particular attention will be paid to the conditions that enable (or, on the contrary, hinder) comic book authors to express criticism of their difficulties, whether these are individual or shared by the entire professional community.
Pierre Nocérino

Pierre Nocérino is a sociologist and postdoctoral researcher at Lier-Fyt (UMR 8065 - CNRS/EHESS). His thesis, defended in 2020 under the supervision of C. Lemieux, was devoted to the work and mobilizations of comic strip authors in France. His research focuses more generally on politicization processes in professional milieus, particularly within the cultural industries. Alongside this work, he has also been involved in the graphic writing of sociology, producing a number of comic strips on his own and in collaboration with Léa Mazé.