Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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A civilization invented in the 20th century

Yves Chemla is a literary critic. He holds a doctorate from the Sorbonne University (his doctorate was devoted to La Question de l'Autre dans le roman haïtien contemporain, 1999, under the supervision of Jacques Chevrier), and publishes articles devoted to the literatures of the French-speaking South. He is a member of the ITEM-CNRS-ENS Manuscrits francophones team, and presides over the Île en île association, whose aim is to facilitate the management of the website, a database of French-language literature from the islands. His most recent publications are Littérature haïtienne, 1980-2015, Port-au-Prince, C3 éditions, 2015; Jacques Roumain, Œuvres complètes, edited by Léon-François Hoffmann and Yves Chemla, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2019.


Yves Chemla