Salle 2, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Moderator : Jean-Louis Cohen

Thomas Clerc

Writer and lecturer at Paris X University, Thomas Clerc is the author of Maurice Sachs le désœuvré (Allia, 2005). Since 2007, his books have appeared in Gallimard's L'Arbalète collection: Paris, musée du XXIe siècle, Le 10e arrondissement, the first part of an ambulatory description of Paris; L'homme qui tua Roland Barthes (2010), Prix de l'Académie Française; Intérieur, an exhaustive description of his Parisian apartment (2013); and Poeasy, 751 poèmes en vers libres (2017), Prix Paul Verlaine. He is a monthly columnist for the daily newspaper Libération.


Thomas Clerc