Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Mathias Fink is the George Charpak Professor at ESPCI Paris where he founded in 1990 the Laboratory "Ondes et Acoustique" that became in 2009 the Langevin Institute. He is member of the French Academy of Science and of the National Academy of Technologies of France. In 2008, he was elected at the Collège de France on the Chair of Technological Innovation.

Mathias Fink's area of research is concerned with the propagation of waves in complex media and the development of numerous instruments based on this basic research. He has developed different techniques in medical imaging and in telecommunications. Six start-up companies with more than four hundred employees have been created from his research (Echosens, Sensitive Object, Supersonic Imagine, Time Reversal Communications, CardiaWave and GreenerWave).


Mathias Fink

