Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all

Session moderated by François Héran.
Each 30 minutepresentationis followed by 10 minutes of discussion.


The notion of gender is a powerful heuristic tool for the social sciences, and now for all sciences. It opens up new avenues of inquiry and sheds light on hidden aspects, revealing the logics of hierarchization and invisibilization that run through every scientific field. It is also an object of thought in its own right, calling for its own epistemology and philosophy. Yet our French academic world ignores the theoretical fecundity of gender, content to grant it the status of a secondary concept infusing the various disciplines, without ever allowing it to unfold its distinctive field. In fact, we are lagging far behind in the philosophical exploration of the themes, issues and authors associated with gender. Elsewhere,Gender, Queer and Feminist Studies form the throbbing heart of a scientific dynamic committed to understanding the anthropological mutations of our times, but we remain frozen, lamenting the risk of a " wokist invasion ". The time has come to break with this immobility and join the movement of contemporary thought. The effervescence of young research on these subjects bears witness to this, heralding an epistemological turning point, that of a philosophy of gender finally fully recognized and given a place within our research and teaching institutions.

Camille Froidevaux-Metterie

Camille Froidevaux-Metterie

Philosopher and professor of political science, Camille Froidevaux-Metterie is a specialist in feminist thought. Her research focuses on themes linked to women's bodies, from a phenomenological perspective that situates them between objectification-alienation and emancipation-reappropriation. She is the author of La Révolution du féminin (2015, Folio 2020), Seins. En quête d'une libération (2020, Points 2022), Un corps à soi (2021, Points 2023) and Un si gros ventre. Expériences vécues du corps enceinte (Stock 2023). She is also the author of a first novel, Pleine et douce (Folio 2024) and a libelle, Patriarcat, la fin d'un monde (Seuil 2024). She is currently editing a collective work entitled Théories féministes, which will bring together around a hundred contributors exploring feminist thought from its origins, presenting its authors, concepts and currents with the dual aim of situating them in their time and revealing their contributions to major contemporary debates (Seuil 2025).


Camille Froidevaux-Metterie

Professor of Political Science at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne