Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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In conflicts, epidemics or health disasters, an NGO like Médecins Sans Frontières is not bound by the same commitments and does not always pursue the same goals as other global health players - states, transnational institutions, economic forces, local authorities or armed groups. Postulating that a humanitarian organization can only achieve its own objectives by establishing compromises between the interests it defends and those of the powers that be, this seminar proposes to discuss the acceptability of these compromises, based on concrete examples drawn from MSF's experience.

Claire Magone

After studying Communications (Master's degree CELSA - Paris IV) and Political Science (Master's degree 2 Sorbonne - Paris I), Claire Magone has been working in the humanitarian field since 1997, first with Action contre la Faim, then with Médecins sans frontières, notably in Africa (Liberia; Sierra Leone; Sudan; Nigeria). She has also managed international programs for the Sidaction association. Since June 2010, she has been Director of Studies at the Centre de réflexion sur l'action et les savoirs humanitaires (CRASH) at the Médecins sans frontières Foundation, where she co-edited the book "Agir à tout prix? Négociations humanitaires : l'expérience de Médecins sans frontières", published in 2011, and on which this seminar is based. She also teaches at Sciences Po's School of International Affairs.


Claire Magone

Director of Studies, Centre de réflexion sur l'action et les savoirs humanitaires, Fondation Médecins sans frontières