Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all

Françoise Davoine

Photo by Françoise Davoine

Agrégée de lettres classiques, Doctor in Sociology, Françoise Davoine was a member of Alain Touraine's Centre d'études des mouvements sociaux at EHESS, where, with Jean-Max Gaudillière, she held a weekly seminar for forty years on " la folie et les ruptures du lien social " based on our practice as analysts at the psychiatric hospital from which her books  were drawn: Histoire et Trauma, La Folie Wittgenstein, Mère Folle, Don Quichotte pour combattre la mélancolie, Leçons de la folie and La Naissance d'un sujet politique.

The seminar is integrated with the lecture, and the two are combined in a single session.


Françoise Davoine

psychoanalyst and writer, Paris