Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all

This lecture presents a numerical model of the heart including geometric (heart anatomy, cardiac fiber structure), electrical (depolarization and repolarization of cardiac tissue), mechanical (fiber contraction and relaxation) and hemodynamic (blood circulation) components. The models are macroscopic, with a limited number of parameters that can be identified under certain conditions from cardiac images and signals. The lecture presents the potential applications of these advances for quantifying cardiac function, predicting arrhythmia risk or the effect of therapy (e.g. cardiac resynchronization by biventricular pacing).

This lecture is complemented by the following two seminars:

- "Images et signaux cardiaques: état de l'art et futur", Pierre Jaïs (IHU Bordeaux);

- Towards a digital vascular system", Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau (Inria - UPMC).