The fourth lesson described experiments exploiting the Rydberg blockade, mentioned in the first lesson, to achieve entanglement and quantum gating between atoms. An essential prerequisite for these experiments is the ability to precisely control the position of the atoms. We began by recalling the general methods for manipulating laser-cooled atoms, which are the necessary first step in all these experiments. The atoms are cooled in optical molasses or in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) set up with resonant or quasi-resonant laser beams on a transition between the fundamental level of the atoms and an optical resonance level. A configuration formed by pairs of counter-propagating lasers in all three spatial directions is chosen to confine the atoms in all directions. In the case of the MOT trap, magnetic field gradients are added to ensure spatial confinement of the atoms in a relatively large volume. Atoms are detected by the fluorescence light they emit, at a frequency close to that of lasers, in the optical molasses or in the MOT.
In order to isolate only two atoms at a well-defined distance from each other, two "optical tweezers" are superimposed on the molasses or MOT, consisting of two highly focused laser beams detuned towards the red of the atoms' optical transition. This creates two very deep optical traps, exploiting the dipolar dispersive force exerted on the atoms by the gradients of non-resonant light intensity. Some of the atoms in the MOT or molasses fall into these traps, at random. If more than one atom falls into the trap, the collisions assisted by the resonant detection laser light very quickly carry them into non-trapping levels, and they are excluded from the trap. In the presence of detection light, the trap can only contain zero or one atom. This light, originating from the MOT or molasses, can be switched off once the atoms have been captured, and relit at will to detect them at a later date. In this way, we can isolate random events in which no atoms are trapped, those in which only one of the two traps is powered, and finally those in which each trap contains an atom - a situation required to operate a quantum gate.