The sixth and final lesson presented an overview of the giant non-linear optical effects produced by the Rydberg blocking effect for optical fields propagating in a dense ensemble of atoms. The effect is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetically inducedtransparency (EIT). We began by recalling what normal EIT is (i.e. for a gas of atoms evolving between moderately excited levels), before looking at its effects when one of the levels concerned is a highly excited Rydberg state.
An atomic medium strongly absorbing a probe beam resonating on an optical transition between a ground state |b> and an excited state |e> becomes transparent to this probe in the presence of a pump beam (or "control beam") satisfying a two-photon resonance condition towards a third level |a> (the three levels |b>, |a> and |e> forming a Λ or step configuration). By quantum interference, the |e> state becomes a "black state" uncoupled from the radiation. The effect occurs in a narrow window of frequency transparency around the resonance condition. The probe photons couple strongly to an atomic "spin wave" carrying the atoms in the medium into a superposition of the |a> and |b> states. The probe coupled to the spin wave becomes a "darkstate polariton" wave, propagating through the medium with a group velocity much lower than in vacuum ("slow light"). This effect is due to a very rapid variation over the width of the transparency window in the refractive index seen by the probe.