Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The second lesson described the effect of external fields, dynamic or static, on atoms carried in a Rydberg state. The first focus was on the interaction of these atoms with radiation. The interaction between the ground state (or a weakly excited state) and a Rydberg state of quantum number n is described by a matrix element of the electric dipole between these two states proportional to n-3/2, which indicates the very rapid decay of the coupling with n and the need for very intense lasers to ensure efficient coupling and a Rabi frequency large enough to excite the Rydberg atoms. The radiative lifetime of Rydberg atoms, inversely proportional to the square of the electric dipole matrix element, increases as n3 and becomes of the order of a hundred microseconds for n of the order of 50.

While the dipole elements between ground state and highly excited state are very small, those between highly excited states of neighboring principal quantum numbers are enormous, varying like n2. This explains the extreme sensitivity of Rydberg atoms to millimeter waves, resonant or quasi-resonant with transitions between adjacent Rydberg levels. This extreme sensitivity to millimetre-wave radiation is not accompanied by significant spontaneous emission at these transitions. The lifetime associated with these transitions varies as n5, and becomes extremely long, of the order of 30 ms, for n = 50. This low rate of partial spontaneous emission on millimeter transitions(n2 times lower than the rate of optical transition to the deep levels of the atom) is due to the fact that the density of radiation states, proportional to the cube of the frequency, varies as n-9 and becomes extremely low for states of large n. Circular Rydberg states, with maximum angular momentum equal to(n-1)h/2π, can only radiate on millimeter transitions between neighboring levels and therefore have, despite very strong coupling to radiation, a very long radiative lifetime. It is this remarkable combination of properties - very strong coupling to millimeter waves combined with a very long radiative lifetime - that is exploited in cavity electrodynamics experiments with Rydberg atoms. All these radiative properties were described in detail in the lesson and justified by very simple calculations within the framework of the semi-classical Rydberg atom model.