The institution and its history

International relations


A major player in French research, the Collège de France, through its chairs and laboratories, also contributes to its internationalization. The influence of French research and thought abroad, and participation in intellectual and scientific debate on major global issues, are among its essential missions.

Collège de France, an institution born during the Renaissance, at the height of the European humanist movement, is by nature open to the international scene, both in its teaching activities and the dissemination of knowledge, and in the research programs in which it participates, and through the nationality of its staff: a significant number of its professors are foreign nationals, as are almost half of its doctoral and post-doctoral students.

In addition to the international activities of each of its professors, all of whom are involved in exchanges with colleagues from all over the world, the Collège de France pursues a policy of international openness based on a number of instruments.

Teaching assignments for Collège de France professors abroad

Under a provision specific to the Collège de France, professors are authorized to entrust up to a third of their annual lectures (lectures and seminars) to foreign institutions at their request. On average, some thirty lectures are given each year. Most of these lectures are carried out under partnership agreements with universities or learned societies. A list of current agreements is available here :

Visiting professors

The Collège de France Assembly may invite international scientific personalities to give lectures. These lectures are included in the institution's official public lectures program, and are the subject of an Abstract in theAnnuaire du Collège de France.

Collège de France Chairs are also constantly inviting researchers from other countries to stay for shorter periods, usually on the occasion of one of the many colloquia and conferences organized by the Collège, thus contributing to the international circulation of ideas.

Hosting young international researchers

Collège de France welcomes young international researchers, whether advanced doctoral students or post-doctoral fellows, for research stays of varying lengths. These researchers are remunerated by the Collège de France or by their home institution.

International conferences and symposia

In partnership with the cultural and cooperation network of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Institut français and French diplomatic posts abroad, Collège de France organizes numerous lecture series abroad, in which its professors take part, in order to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and the influence of French science throughout the world.

Digital distribution

Professors' lectures are posted online on the Collège de France website, as well as on its podcast and YouTube channels, providing a powerful means of disseminating knowledge, including internationally. Some content is available in English.

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Contact the International Relations Department

Raynald Belay, Director of lectures, international relations and partnerships
Marina de Castro Cartier, Project Manager
Collège de France
11, place Marcelin Berthelot
75005 Paris