The institution and its history

By-laws and governance

Collège de France is a public higher education and research establishment governed by the provisions of the Code de l'éducation relating to public scientific, cultural and professional establishments, subject to the exemptions set out in its statutory decree of July 24 2014.

The Collège de France Assembly

Strategic decisions are taken by the Collège de France Assembly - a meeting of full professors in office - which acts as both the Board of Directors and the Academic Council. It meets three times a year (in March, June and November) and elects from among its members, every three years, a director who runs the Collège de France and chairs the Assembly. It also elects the vice-president and secretary of the Assembly.

It determines the establishment's policy by deliberating in particular on :

  • major strategic orientations (real estate projects, definition of new chairs, partnerships, etc.);
  • employment and payroll ceilings;
  • the budget and amending budgets;
  • financial statements and appropriation of earnings;
  • acquisitions, disposals and exchanges of real estate, loans;
  • legal actions and settlements;
  • acceptance of gifts and bequests;
  • the annual report of the Administrator of the Collège de France;
  • operating rules and adoption of internal regulations.

The Collège de France Administrator

After being elected by the Collège Assembly for a renewable three-year term, the Administrator is appointed by decree of the President of the Republic. He/she manages the institution, represents it in legal proceedings and prepares and executes the deliberations of the Assembly. He is the authorizing officer for expenditure and revenue, concludes certain categories of agreements and contracts, and has authority over all staff. He may delegate signing authority to certain of his staff.

The administrator of the Collège de France is Prof. Thomas Römer, holder of the chair Milieux bibliques.

The Board of Directors

The Administrator is assisted by a Bureau, which he chairs and which comprises the Vice-President and the Secretary of the Assembly. To facilitate governance, since 2004 the board has been enlarged to include a number of professors in charge of specific missions.

The vice-president of the Assembly is Prof. Françoise Combes, holder of the Chair of Galaxies and Cosmology.

The secretary is Prof. Hugues de Thé, Chair of Cellular and Molecular Oncology.

Director General of Services (DGS)

The Director General is appointed by the Minister of Higher Education, on the recommendation of the Administrator. Under his authority, he is responsible for the management and organization of the establishment's services, and leads the team of directors. He is assisted by a deputy general manager.

The General Manager is Mr Arnaud Roffignon.
The Deputy General Manager is Stéphanie Alexandre.

Consultative bodies

Governing Board (GB)

The Works Council, a joint consultative body, has 23 members. It meets prior to each Collège assembly and examines all matters relating to the administration of the Collège, before the assembly vote.

In particular, the Executive Committee is consulted on

  • draft budgets and amending budgets ;
  • financial statements and appropriation of profits;
  • job descriptions and staff allocations;
  • agreements;
  • health and safety issues
  • issues relating to social activities;
  • allocation and layout of premises;
  • draft internal regulations;
  • any other matter referred to it by the Collège de France General Meeting or by the Administrator.

Collège de France's International Scientific and Strategic Orientation Committee (COSS)

In 2003, Collège de France set up the Comité international d'orientation scientifique et stratégique (COSS).

The COSS is made up of twelve leading foreign scientists, chosen by the Collège de France assembly. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of COSS are appointed by the Administrator of Collège de France. The secretary is appointed by COSS members.

The role of the COSS is "to analyze the scientific and strategic orientations of the Collège de France and the conditions under which these missions are carried out, in order to put forward recommendations for their development or enhancement. COSS must also examine the coherence of the institution's strategy, the significance and exploitation of the multidisciplinary nature of the Chairs, international policy, the adequacy of research resources to the objectives set, and the optimization of administrative structures. It is not the role of COSS to examine the scientific activities of each Chair individually, as these are already evaluated by the relevant bodies.

COSS members are appointed for a period of four years. Half of the COSS membership is renewed every two years.

The Social Administration Committee (CSA)

As of January 1, 2023, the Comité Social d'Administration (CSA) becomes the body for social dialogue. The Collège de France CSA comprises the Collège de France administrator or his or her representative, the person in charge of human resources management, and staff representatives. The number of staff representatives is seven full members and seven alternates. In general, the CSA is consulted on issues relating to the operation and organization of departments, and on management guidelines concerning multi-year human resources management strategy, mobility, promotion and career development.

A specialized health, safety and working conditions committee has been set up within the Social Committee. In general, it is responsible for examining all issues relating to the protection of physical and mental health, hygiene and safety at work, the organization of work, telecommuting, the challenges of disconnecting and regulating the use of digital tools, the improvement of working conditions and related legal requirements.

The joint school committee (CPE)

The Commission paritaire d'établissement (CPE) plays an important role in the public service consultation process. The CPE is a joint consultative body made up of representatives of BIATSS staff and representatives of the administration. It is consulted on unfavorable individual issues relating to recruitment and proposals to refuse tenure, secondment, availability and transfer.

Joint consultative committee for non-tenured staff

The Joint Consultative Committee for Non-Tenured Employees is responsible for all contractual employees under public law (including contractual doctoral students) working within the scope of the Collège de France's missions. It is a joint body comprising representatives of the administration and staff.

Other commissions and committees

Other commissions and committees work on specific themes and sectors of activity, preparing the assembly's decisions on working conditions and participating in social dialogue within Collège de France.