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Designing and building for the Second World War Jean-Louis Cohen, chair Architecture and urban form Exhibition from April 24 to September 8, 2014 Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine Palais de Chaillot 1, place du Trocadéro 75016 Paris " The exhibition explores developments in architecture during the Second World War, analyzing the effects of the … Published on 13 May 2014 News Epigraphy and the history of Greek cities - Re-release of the video of Prof. Knoepfler's opening lecture Denis Knoepfler, chair Epigraphy and history of Greek cities A Collège de France - CNED coproduction Extract "My point of reference will be the Greek city, the concept of polis, which has recently been the subject of numerous studies, notably as part of the vast international survey carried out over the last ten … Published on 6 May 2014 News Chinese version Collège de France Collège de France opens its doors to Chinese internet users. Since April 29, 2014, a traditional Chinese version of our website has been online. Two professors are currently available for consultation: - Professor Anne Cheng, Chair of Chinese Intellectual … Published on 6 May 2014 News Sur un vers d'Hamlet - Reissue of the video of his opening lecture (December 7, 2000) Michael Edwards, chair Study of creative writing in English Excerpt "To be, or not to be, that is the question " : why does this line, which contains the most famous phrase in English literature, exert such a spellbinding force? And how can it help us, when we think of the specificity of English-language … Published on 28 April 2014 News Philosophy and history of scientific concepts - Re-release of the video of Prof. Hacking's opening lecture Ian Hacking, chair Philosophy and history of scientific concepts Excerpt "Today, we are strangely lacking in certainty when it comes to specifying what in the world is the work of man and what is the work of God, or, as the saying goes, of "nature". How much of our work is human? How much is totally determined … Published on 22 April 2014 News Poverty and development in a globalized world - François Bourguignon's opening lecture François Bourguignon, chair Knowledge against poverty Presentation If development is to be judged by the ability of developing countries to catch up with the developed world and reduce poverty, then performance over recent decades has been mixed. Some countries, notably in Asia and China in particular, have … Published on 10 April 2014 News Jacques Thuillier in Nevers. Tribute days (April 4 and 5, 2014) and exhibitions Collège de France Tribute days, April 4 and 5, 2014 and exhibitions from April 4 to May 11 or May 31, 2014, depending on city locations. See program : Nevers multimedia library Detailed … Published on 2 April 2014 News April 3, 2014, live broadcast of INSERM's 50th anniversary symposium Collège de France 10:00-18:30 inserm is organizing a day of debates in the Grand Amphithéâtre of the Sorbonne. The symposium will bring together scientists, politicians, institutional and economic partners and patient associations. It will look at the future, … Published on 2 April 2014 News Analytical chemistry and art history - Philippe Walter's opening lecture Philippe Walter, chair Technological innovation Liliane Bettencourt Opening lecture by Prof. Philippe Walter, visiting professor on the Lilianne Bettencourt Chair of Technological Innovation for 2013-2014. On the artist's palette: physical chemistry in Artistic creation Using new analytical techniques, Philippe Walter, a … Published on 18 March 2014 News Collège de France lectures in Tunisia, March 13 and 14, 2014 Collège de France Bernard Chazelle Visiting Professor, Annual Chair in Computer Sciences (2012-2013) The Collège de France lectures are part of the 2013-2014 "Sciences en question" program organized by the Institut français de Tunisie. They will be followed by debates and … Published on 24 February 2014 News A look back at Marcel Bluwal's documentaries. February 6, 2014 Collège de France The Collège de France. 1973, 1993, 2013 A look back at Marcel Bluwal's documentaries on the Collège de France, made in 1973 and 1993 Thursday, February 6, 2014 from 2 pm to 5 pm Maurice Halbwachs Amphitheatre Open to all, subject to availability on the … Published on 24 January 2014 News Day in honor of Gilles Veinstein, February 7 2014 Gilles Veinstein, chair Turkish and Ottoman history Organized by the Collège de France and the Centre d'études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centre-asiatiques. Friday, February 7, 2014 from 9:30 a.m Collège de France Maurice Halbwachs Amphitheatre 11, place Marcelin-Berthelot 750005 Paris Gilles … Published on 20 January 2014 News Professor Berry - Algorithms, machines and languages, will give lectures in Nice Gérard Berry, chair Algorithms, machines and languages January 15, 22 and 29, 2014 INRIA/Sophia-Antipolis The three lectures given in Sophia-Antipolis will be devoted to the research-industry relationship in the development of synchronous languages for real-time systems and electronic circuits. The first will … Published on 10 January 2014 News Daniele Ruini receives Michel Zink's research prize in Romance philology Michel Zink, chair Literatures of medieval France The Research Prize in Romance Philology created by Michel Zink from the research funds of his 2007 Balzan Prize has been awarded for 2013 to Mr. Daniele Ruini by a jury made up of Ms. Giovanna Angeli, Professor at the University of Florence, Mr. Karlheinz … Published on 1 January 2014 News Collège de France lectures in Tunisia, January 9 and 10, 2014 Anny Cazenave, chair Sustainable development - Environment, energy and society Two conferences will be held on January 9 and 10, 2014 in Tunis, Tunisia. 1) Oceans, ice, sea level and climate; contribution from space January 9, 2014 at 2 pm at the Tunis Faculty of Science. 2) Earth and the environment observed from space January 10, … Published on 16 December 2013 News 1966, annus mirabilis Antoine Compagnon, chair Modern and contemporary French literature : history, criticism, theory Fabula-LhT n° 11 For a long time now, I've wanted to embark on a research project - a lecture, a seminar : at the Collège de France, we present research in progress - over the course of a year. I wanted to retrace the events of that year, month by month, … Published on 11 December 2013 News Prof. Edouard Bard receives the Alfred Wegener Medal Edouard Bard, chair Climate and Ocean Evolution The European Geosciences Union has bestowed its highest distinction on Édouard Bard, making him an honorary member and awarding him the 2013 Alfred Wegener Medal. Prof. Édouard Bard and Prof. André Berger The ceremony took place on April 10, 2013 as part … Published on 1 December 2013 News Black Sea sediments Edouard Bard, chair Climate and Ocean Evolution Around 21,000 years ago, the geography of Europe was very different from that of today. A veritable mountain of ice, the Fennoscandian ice cap, covered all of northern Europe from the British Isles to Siberia. Fennoscandian ice cap Ocean levels were then … Published on 1 December 2013 News Post-glacial warming and its causes Edouard Bard, chair Climate and Ocean Evolution Article published in Nature , April 5, 2012. The climate of the last few million years has been characterized by a cyclical alternation of ice ages. The main reason for this is the cyclicity of the geographical distribution of insolation due to slow … Published on 1 December 2013 News Usages du Livre du Changement (Zhouyi) sous les Song - Conference November 21-22, 2013 Anne Cheng, chair Chinese Intellectual History International symposium A good knowledge of classical Chinese is required. Thursday, November 21 and Friday, November 22, 2013 Collège de France – Site Cardinal Lemoine Salle Lévi-Strauss 52, rue du Cardinal-Lemoine 75005 Paris Go to the symposium page … Published on 15 November 2013 News The loves of Ismene and Ismenias - " Well-known novel " : a Byzantine novel in18th century Paris. november 18, 2013 John Scheid, chair Religion, institutions and society in ancient Rome Ingela Nilsson Professor at Uppsala University (Sweden) Two conferences: November 18 and 21, 2013 Go to the conferences page John Scheid, chair Religion, institutions and society in ancient … Published on 15 November 2013 News Causation: New Prospects. Colloque du Pr Tiercelin. December 05 and 06, 2013 Claudine Tiercelin, chair Metaphysics and Philosophy of Knowledge Air movements encountering an inclined curved surface. Chronophotography on a fixed plate, Etienne-Jules Marey, 1901 Seminar in English. In the last forty years, the philosophy of causality has undergone considerable development, although it is not … Published on 12 November 2013 News Structure and Dynamics of the Lithosphere/Asthenosphere System - English-language conference November 19-20, 2013 Barbara Romanowicz, chair Physics of the Earth's interior Professor Barbara Romanowicz Chair in Physics of the Earth's Interior Colloque en anglais - Workshop in English Tuesday, November 19 and Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Collège de France Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs 11, place Marcelin-Berthelot 75005 Paris … Published on 7 November 2013 News La religion des Achéménides : confrontation des sources - Colloque du Pr Kellens, November 7-8, 2013 Jean Kellens, chair Indo-Iranian languages and religions The Persians, whose clan came to power throughout the Near East in 521-522, were an Iranian people. We can therefore logically assume, and several testimonies confirm, that their religion is identical or similar to that of the Avestic texts composed as … Published on 25 October 2013 Pagination First page Previous page … Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Current page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 … Next page Last page
News Architecture in uniform. Designing and building for the Second World War Jean-Louis Cohen, chair Architecture and urban form Exhibition from April 24 to September 8, 2014 Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine Palais de Chaillot 1, place du Trocadéro 75016 Paris " The exhibition explores developments in architecture during the Second World War, analyzing the effects of the … Published on 13 May 2014
News Epigraphy and the history of Greek cities - Re-release of the video of Prof. Knoepfler's opening lecture Denis Knoepfler, chair Epigraphy and history of Greek cities A Collège de France - CNED coproduction Extract "My point of reference will be the Greek city, the concept of polis, which has recently been the subject of numerous studies, notably as part of the vast international survey carried out over the last ten … Published on 6 May 2014
News Chinese version Collège de France Collège de France opens its doors to Chinese internet users. Since April 29, 2014, a traditional Chinese version of our website has been online. Two professors are currently available for consultation: - Professor Anne Cheng, Chair of Chinese Intellectual … Published on 6 May 2014
News Sur un vers d'Hamlet - Reissue of the video of his opening lecture (December 7, 2000) Michael Edwards, chair Study of creative writing in English Excerpt "To be, or not to be, that is the question " : why does this line, which contains the most famous phrase in English literature, exert such a spellbinding force? And how can it help us, when we think of the specificity of English-language … Published on 28 April 2014
News Philosophy and history of scientific concepts - Re-release of the video of Prof. Hacking's opening lecture Ian Hacking, chair Philosophy and history of scientific concepts Excerpt "Today, we are strangely lacking in certainty when it comes to specifying what in the world is the work of man and what is the work of God, or, as the saying goes, of "nature". How much of our work is human? How much is totally determined … Published on 22 April 2014
News Poverty and development in a globalized world - François Bourguignon's opening lecture François Bourguignon, chair Knowledge against poverty Presentation If development is to be judged by the ability of developing countries to catch up with the developed world and reduce poverty, then performance over recent decades has been mixed. Some countries, notably in Asia and China in particular, have … Published on 10 April 2014
News Jacques Thuillier in Nevers. Tribute days (April 4 and 5, 2014) and exhibitions Collège de France Tribute days, April 4 and 5, 2014 and exhibitions from April 4 to May 11 or May 31, 2014, depending on city locations. See program : Nevers multimedia library Detailed … Published on 2 April 2014
News April 3, 2014, live broadcast of INSERM's 50th anniversary symposium Collège de France 10:00-18:30 inserm is organizing a day of debates in the Grand Amphithéâtre of the Sorbonne. The symposium will bring together scientists, politicians, institutional and economic partners and patient associations. It will look at the future, … Published on 2 April 2014
News Analytical chemistry and art history - Philippe Walter's opening lecture Philippe Walter, chair Technological innovation Liliane Bettencourt Opening lecture by Prof. Philippe Walter, visiting professor on the Lilianne Bettencourt Chair of Technological Innovation for 2013-2014. On the artist's palette: physical chemistry in Artistic creation Using new analytical techniques, Philippe Walter, a … Published on 18 March 2014
News Collège de France lectures in Tunisia, March 13 and 14, 2014 Collège de France Bernard Chazelle Visiting Professor, Annual Chair in Computer Sciences (2012-2013) The Collège de France lectures are part of the 2013-2014 "Sciences en question" program organized by the Institut français de Tunisie. They will be followed by debates and … Published on 24 February 2014
News A look back at Marcel Bluwal's documentaries. February 6, 2014 Collège de France The Collège de France. 1973, 1993, 2013 A look back at Marcel Bluwal's documentaries on the Collège de France, made in 1973 and 1993 Thursday, February 6, 2014 from 2 pm to 5 pm Maurice Halbwachs Amphitheatre Open to all, subject to availability on the … Published on 24 January 2014
News Day in honor of Gilles Veinstein, February 7 2014 Gilles Veinstein, chair Turkish and Ottoman history Organized by the Collège de France and the Centre d'études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centre-asiatiques. Friday, February 7, 2014 from 9:30 a.m Collège de France Maurice Halbwachs Amphitheatre 11, place Marcelin-Berthelot 750005 Paris Gilles … Published on 20 January 2014
News Professor Berry - Algorithms, machines and languages, will give lectures in Nice Gérard Berry, chair Algorithms, machines and languages January 15, 22 and 29, 2014 INRIA/Sophia-Antipolis The three lectures given in Sophia-Antipolis will be devoted to the research-industry relationship in the development of synchronous languages for real-time systems and electronic circuits. The first will … Published on 10 January 2014
News Daniele Ruini receives Michel Zink's research prize in Romance philology Michel Zink, chair Literatures of medieval France The Research Prize in Romance Philology created by Michel Zink from the research funds of his 2007 Balzan Prize has been awarded for 2013 to Mr. Daniele Ruini by a jury made up of Ms. Giovanna Angeli, Professor at the University of Florence, Mr. Karlheinz … Published on 1 January 2014
News Collège de France lectures in Tunisia, January 9 and 10, 2014 Anny Cazenave, chair Sustainable development - Environment, energy and society Two conferences will be held on January 9 and 10, 2014 in Tunis, Tunisia. 1) Oceans, ice, sea level and climate; contribution from space January 9, 2014 at 2 pm at the Tunis Faculty of Science. 2) Earth and the environment observed from space January 10, … Published on 16 December 2013
News 1966, annus mirabilis Antoine Compagnon, chair Modern and contemporary French literature : history, criticism, theory Fabula-LhT n° 11 For a long time now, I've wanted to embark on a research project - a lecture, a seminar : at the Collège de France, we present research in progress - over the course of a year. I wanted to retrace the events of that year, month by month, … Published on 11 December 2013
News Prof. Edouard Bard receives the Alfred Wegener Medal Edouard Bard, chair Climate and Ocean Evolution The European Geosciences Union has bestowed its highest distinction on Édouard Bard, making him an honorary member and awarding him the 2013 Alfred Wegener Medal. Prof. Édouard Bard and Prof. André Berger The ceremony took place on April 10, 2013 as part … Published on 1 December 2013
News Black Sea sediments Edouard Bard, chair Climate and Ocean Evolution Around 21,000 years ago, the geography of Europe was very different from that of today. A veritable mountain of ice, the Fennoscandian ice cap, covered all of northern Europe from the British Isles to Siberia. Fennoscandian ice cap Ocean levels were then … Published on 1 December 2013
News Post-glacial warming and its causes Edouard Bard, chair Climate and Ocean Evolution Article published in Nature , April 5, 2012. The climate of the last few million years has been characterized by a cyclical alternation of ice ages. The main reason for this is the cyclicity of the geographical distribution of insolation due to slow … Published on 1 December 2013
News Usages du Livre du Changement (Zhouyi) sous les Song - Conference November 21-22, 2013 Anne Cheng, chair Chinese Intellectual History International symposium A good knowledge of classical Chinese is required. Thursday, November 21 and Friday, November 22, 2013 Collège de France – Site Cardinal Lemoine Salle Lévi-Strauss 52, rue du Cardinal-Lemoine 75005 Paris Go to the symposium page … Published on 15 November 2013
News The loves of Ismene and Ismenias - " Well-known novel " : a Byzantine novel in18th century Paris. november 18, 2013 John Scheid, chair Religion, institutions and society in ancient Rome Ingela Nilsson Professor at Uppsala University (Sweden) Two conferences: November 18 and 21, 2013 Go to the conferences page John Scheid, chair Religion, institutions and society in ancient … Published on 15 November 2013
News Causation: New Prospects. Colloque du Pr Tiercelin. December 05 and 06, 2013 Claudine Tiercelin, chair Metaphysics and Philosophy of Knowledge Air movements encountering an inclined curved surface. Chronophotography on a fixed plate, Etienne-Jules Marey, 1901 Seminar in English. In the last forty years, the philosophy of causality has undergone considerable development, although it is not … Published on 12 November 2013
News Structure and Dynamics of the Lithosphere/Asthenosphere System - English-language conference November 19-20, 2013 Barbara Romanowicz, chair Physics of the Earth's interior Professor Barbara Romanowicz Chair in Physics of the Earth's Interior Colloque en anglais - Workshop in English Tuesday, November 19 and Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Collège de France Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs 11, place Marcelin-Berthelot 75005 Paris … Published on 7 November 2013
News La religion des Achéménides : confrontation des sources - Colloque du Pr Kellens, November 7-8, 2013 Jean Kellens, chair Indo-Iranian languages and religions The Persians, whose clan came to power throughout the Near East in 521-522, were an Iranian people. We can therefore logically assume, and several testimonies confirm, that their religion is identical or similar to that of the Avestic texts composed as … Published on 25 October 2013