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Its library opened at the … Award Claude-Antoine Peccot Lecture Series and Award Since 1885, thanks to an endowment from the family of mathematician Claude-Antoine Peccot, the Collège de France has awarded annual prizes to young mathematicians under the age of 30 who have distinguished themselves in theoretical or applied mathematics. … Award Antoine Lacassagne Award The Antoine Lacassagne Award was established in 1977 by the Collège de France to reward the work and encourage the careers of young French and foreign biology researchers. Its creation was made possible by a donation from Antoine Lacassagne, who held the … Award Delheim Award Created from a bequest made to the Collège de France in 1956 by Mrs. Delheim, this prize, in accordance with the wishes of its founder, is designed to encourage young researchers in biology to pursue work in the laboratories of the Collège de France aimed … Award Anna Caroppo Scholarship - Collège de France Foundation The Anna Caroppo Scholarship - Collège de France Foundation supports young, talented female researchers, enabling them to pursue their research training for a year with the Collège de France teams in the humanities and social sciences (particularly … Award The Hugot Foundation Award The Fondation Hugot du Collège de France was created in 1979 thanks to a bequest made by Hélène and Jean-Pierre Hugot to the Collège de France. Recognized as an autonomous establishment of public utility by a Conseil d'Etat decree of June 7, 1979, its … Award Collège de France Award Collège de France Award for young researchers Since 2022, the Collège de France has awarded the Collège de France Award to a young researcher chosen for the excellence of his/her career and the innovative nature of his/her contributions to public … Research Center European Center for Research and Education in Environmental Geosciences (CEREGE) UMR 7330 - Laboratory of inorganic and isotopic organic geochemistry Laboratory of inorganic and isotopic organic geochemistry CEREGE, UMR Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, IRD, INRAE, Collège de France The Climate and Ocean Evolution Chair at the Collège de France is integrated into the UMR CEREGE, both administratively … Research Center Near East - Caucasus : languages, archaeology, cultures (PROCLAC) UMR 7192 The research carried out by the PROCLAC laboratory (Near East - Caucasus : languages, archaeology, cultures), UMR 7192 of the CNRS, covers a vast territory stretching from the Mediterranean to the Caucasus. In chronological terms, our research takes a … Research Center Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) UMR 7241 - U1050 CIRB activities Access the CIRB seminar calendar CNRS/UMR 7241 - INSERM U1050 The Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en biologie (CIRB), created in 2009 on the initiative of Alain Prochiantz, is located on the Marcelin Berthelot site of the Collège … Research Center Center for Research on East Asian Civilizations (CRCAO) UMR 8155 - "China", "Japan" and "Tibet, Bhutan and Tibetan Cultural Area" teams Founded in 2006, the Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l'Asie orientale (CRCAO) - UMR 8155 is a CNRS joint research unit under the auspices of the École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), the Collège de France and the University of Paris. It is … Research Center Chemistry of Biological Processes Laboratory UMR 8229 The Chemistry of Biological Processes Laboratory develops research at the interface of chemistry and biology. More specifically, it studies complex enzymatic systems involved in metabolic and biosynthetic pathways, such as RNA modification or ubiquinone … Research Center Chemistry of Materials and Energy Laboratory UMR 8260 Within the Collège de France, the "Solid state chemistry-Energy" group, which reunites 14 people, 4 permanent staff and the rest being PhD's and Post-docs, focuses on the fundamental science of materials for energy storage and conversion devices. Today's … Research Center Condensed Matter" team UMR 7644 - Center for Theoretical Physics Research in our team focuses on " quantum matter with strong correlations ". The electrons in a molecule or solid, or the quantum fluids in ultra-cold atoms are all examples of quantum systems made up of a very large number of interacting particles. We … Research Center Center for Ottoman Studies UMR 8032 - Center for Turkish, Ottoman, Balkan and Central Asian Studies The Center for Ottoman Studies is an integral part of the " Mediterranean and African Worlds Department " of the Institute of Civilizations at the Collège de France. It hosts scientific programs, publications and a research library. It is currently … Research Center Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB) UMR 8552 - "Bose-Einstein Condensates" and "Rydberg Atoms" teams The Kastler Brossel Laboratory A joint research unit of the École normale supérieure, Sorbonne University, Collège de France and the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), the Kastler Brossel Laboratory (LKB) is a major player in the field … Research Center Young teams from the Institut de Physique USR 3573 An incubator for young teams, the fruit of a partnership between CNRS and Collège de France The Institut de Physique du Collège de France offers a particularly favorable scientific and technical environment for the incubator of young teams, the fruit of a … Research Center Republic of Knowledge: Literature, Science, Philosophy UMR 8241 On January 1, 2014, the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, the École normale supérieure de Paris and the Collège de France joined forces to create a new research unit: "La République des savoirs: Lettres, sciences, philosophie" (USR, now UAR … Research Center Social Anthropology Laboratory (LAS) UMR 7130 Founded in 1960 by Claude Lévi-Strauss, then Professor of Social Anthropology at the Collège de France, the Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale has always had a generalist vocation, covering all the major themes of ethnology and social anthropology. Its … Research Center Center for the History and Civilization of Byzantium UMR 8167 - East and Mediterranean The Centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, founded by P. Lemerle in 1972, is a component of the UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée, part of the " Mediterranean and African Worlds Department " of the Institute of Civilizations at the Collège de … Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page Last page
Research Center Center for Japanese Studies Asian Worlds Division The Institut des hautes études japonaises (IHEJ), which became the Centre d'études japonaises in 2022, was founded in 1959 at what was then the University of Paris (Sorbonne) by Charles Haguenauer (1896-1976), the father of French Japonology, to provide a …
Research Center Center for Korean Studies Asian Worlds Division The Centre d'études coréennes (formerly " Institut d'études coréennes ") was created in 1973 on the initiative of Prof. Li Ogg and the administrator of the Collège de France, to take over part of the Sorbonne's old Korean collection accumulated by …
Research Center Center for Chinese Studies Asian Worlds Division The Centre d'études chinoises (Institut des civilisations du Collège de France - pôle Mondes asiatiques), historically known as the Institut des hautes études chinoises (IHEC), was founded under this name in 1920 with the ambition of creating a place for …
Research Center Center for Tibetan Studies Asian Worlds Division Founded in 1974 by Rolf Alfred Stein (1911-1999), Tibetologist and Sinologist, Professor at the Collège de France from 1965 to 1981, the Centre d'études tibétaines (formerly the Institut d'études tibétaines) is part of the Pôle Mondes asiatiques of the …
Research Center Center for Indian and Central Asian Studies Institute of Civilization - Asian Worlds Center The Institute of Indian Civilization (renamed Indian Studies in 2001, and Center for Indian and Central Asian Studies in 2022) was founded in 1927 at the University of Paris by Emile Sénart, Alfred Foucher and Sylvain Lévi. Its library opened at the …
Award Claude-Antoine Peccot Lecture Series and Award Since 1885, thanks to an endowment from the family of mathematician Claude-Antoine Peccot, the Collège de France has awarded annual prizes to young mathematicians under the age of 30 who have distinguished themselves in theoretical or applied mathematics. …
Award Antoine Lacassagne Award The Antoine Lacassagne Award was established in 1977 by the Collège de France to reward the work and encourage the careers of young French and foreign biology researchers. Its creation was made possible by a donation from Antoine Lacassagne, who held the …
Award Delheim Award Created from a bequest made to the Collège de France in 1956 by Mrs. Delheim, this prize, in accordance with the wishes of its founder, is designed to encourage young researchers in biology to pursue work in the laboratories of the Collège de France aimed …
Award Anna Caroppo Scholarship - Collège de France Foundation The Anna Caroppo Scholarship - Collège de France Foundation supports young, talented female researchers, enabling them to pursue their research training for a year with the Collège de France teams in the humanities and social sciences (particularly …
Award The Hugot Foundation Award The Fondation Hugot du Collège de France was created in 1979 thanks to a bequest made by Hélène and Jean-Pierre Hugot to the Collège de France. Recognized as an autonomous establishment of public utility by a Conseil d'Etat decree of June 7, 1979, its …
Award Collège de France Award Collège de France Award for young researchers Since 2022, the Collège de France has awarded the Collège de France Award to a young researcher chosen for the excellence of his/her career and the innovative nature of his/her contributions to public …
Research Center European Center for Research and Education in Environmental Geosciences (CEREGE) UMR 7330 - Laboratory of inorganic and isotopic organic geochemistry Laboratory of inorganic and isotopic organic geochemistry CEREGE, UMR Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, IRD, INRAE, Collège de France The Climate and Ocean Evolution Chair at the Collège de France is integrated into the UMR CEREGE, both administratively …
Research Center Near East - Caucasus : languages, archaeology, cultures (PROCLAC) UMR 7192 The research carried out by the PROCLAC laboratory (Near East - Caucasus : languages, archaeology, cultures), UMR 7192 of the CNRS, covers a vast territory stretching from the Mediterranean to the Caucasus. In chronological terms, our research takes a …
Research Center Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) UMR 7241 - U1050 CIRB activities Access the CIRB seminar calendar CNRS/UMR 7241 - INSERM U1050 The Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en biologie (CIRB), created in 2009 on the initiative of Alain Prochiantz, is located on the Marcelin Berthelot site of the Collège …
Research Center Center for Research on East Asian Civilizations (CRCAO) UMR 8155 - "China", "Japan" and "Tibet, Bhutan and Tibetan Cultural Area" teams Founded in 2006, the Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l'Asie orientale (CRCAO) - UMR 8155 is a CNRS joint research unit under the auspices of the École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), the Collège de France and the University of Paris. It is …
Research Center Chemistry of Biological Processes Laboratory UMR 8229 The Chemistry of Biological Processes Laboratory develops research at the interface of chemistry and biology. More specifically, it studies complex enzymatic systems involved in metabolic and biosynthetic pathways, such as RNA modification or ubiquinone …
Research Center Chemistry of Materials and Energy Laboratory UMR 8260 Within the Collège de France, the "Solid state chemistry-Energy" group, which reunites 14 people, 4 permanent staff and the rest being PhD's and Post-docs, focuses on the fundamental science of materials for energy storage and conversion devices. Today's …
Research Center Condensed Matter" team UMR 7644 - Center for Theoretical Physics Research in our team focuses on " quantum matter with strong correlations ". The electrons in a molecule or solid, or the quantum fluids in ultra-cold atoms are all examples of quantum systems made up of a very large number of interacting particles. We …
Research Center Center for Ottoman Studies UMR 8032 - Center for Turkish, Ottoman, Balkan and Central Asian Studies The Center for Ottoman Studies is an integral part of the " Mediterranean and African Worlds Department " of the Institute of Civilizations at the Collège de France. It hosts scientific programs, publications and a research library. It is currently …
Research Center Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB) UMR 8552 - "Bose-Einstein Condensates" and "Rydberg Atoms" teams The Kastler Brossel Laboratory A joint research unit of the École normale supérieure, Sorbonne University, Collège de France and the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), the Kastler Brossel Laboratory (LKB) is a major player in the field …
Research Center Young teams from the Institut de Physique USR 3573 An incubator for young teams, the fruit of a partnership between CNRS and Collège de France The Institut de Physique du Collège de France offers a particularly favorable scientific and technical environment for the incubator of young teams, the fruit of a …
Research Center Republic of Knowledge: Literature, Science, Philosophy UMR 8241 On January 1, 2014, the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, the École normale supérieure de Paris and the Collège de France joined forces to create a new research unit: "La République des savoirs: Lettres, sciences, philosophie" (USR, now UAR …
Research Center Social Anthropology Laboratory (LAS) UMR 7130 Founded in 1960 by Claude Lévi-Strauss, then Professor of Social Anthropology at the Collège de France, the Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale has always had a generalist vocation, covering all the major themes of ethnology and social anthropology. Its …
Research Center Center for the History and Civilization of Byzantium UMR 8167 - East and Mediterranean The Centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, founded by P. Lemerle in 1972, is a component of the UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée, part of the " Mediterranean and African Worlds Department " of the Institute of Civilizations at the Collège de …