The Center for Ottoman Studies is an integral part of the " Mediterranean and African Worlds Department " of the Institute of Civilizations at the Collège de France. It hosts scientific programs, publications and a research library. It is currently directed by Alexandre Papas. Elisabetta Borromeo is deputy director.
The Centre, which has its own activities within the Collège, is closely linked to the UMR 8032 Centre d'études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centre-asiatiques (CÉTOBAC), a team under the joint supervision of the EHESS and the Collège de France, which hosts part of its Ottomanist activity around a rich specialized library. The Centre is also intended to serve as a meeting place for Parisian Ottoman specialists from other academic institutions.
Initially built up from the holdings of professors at the Collège de France in the 20th century, the library has undergone significant development over the last twenty years, during which its collections have been enriched by a systematic policy of acquisitions (financed by the Collège de France and two CNRS teams) and major donations. It covers the major disciplines of Islamic civilization, but is primarily a library of excellence in medieval and modern history, particularly Ottoman history up to the first decades of the 19th century. It is this richness that is maintained as a priority, taking into account publications in Europe and America, but also in Turkey. Particular attention is paid to the acquisition of published sources in Ottoman Turkish (archives, chronicles, etc.). Major specialist journals in the field, both living and old, are also available for consultation.
The library, which offers direct access to the shelves, is designed for specialists, doctoral students and Master's students. It is open Monday to Friday, from 2 pm to 6 pm . Its catalog can be consulted online, on the Collège de France website, or via the Sudoc website.
The Centre d'études ottomanes hosts the editorial offices of two scientific journals : Turcica. Journal of Turkish Studies. Peuples, langues, cultures, Etats, an annual international journal publishing in German, English, French and Italian ; Journal of Sufi Studies, a biannual international journal publishing in English and French.
Caption for illustration : Kapı Ağası Medresesi, drawing by Albert Gabriel, Monuments turcs d'Anatolie II, Paris, E. de Boccard, 1931-1934, p. 55