Gregory Bochner is a Belgian philosopher and linguist, currently a post-doctoral fellow in Philosophy of Language and Mind in the ANR project Essential Indexicality and Thoughts about Experiences (ANR-22-CE93-0004), co-directed by Professor François Recanati at the Collège de France.
After studying Romance philology (Université libre de Bruxelles, 2000-2004; Erasmus at the University of Rome III, 2002-2003) and linguistics (Université libre de Bruxelles, 2004-2006; MPhil at the University of Cambridge, 2006-2007), he wrote his doctoral thesis on the meaning of proper names (2007-2011), in linguistics (Université libre de Bruxelles, director: Philippe Kreutz) and philosophy (Institut Jean Nicod, EHESS, director: François Recanati).
Since 2012, his post-doctoral research has focused on reference, contextualism, indexicality, self-knowledge and consciousness. Gregory Bochner has conducted them with philosophers and linguists at several universities: in Bologna (COGITO, 2012-2013; promoter: Annalisa Coliva), New York (NYU, 2013-2014; promoter: Paul Boghossian), Barcelona (LOGOS, 2014; promoter: Manuel García-Carpintero), Brussels (ULB, 2014-2017; promoter: Mikhail Kissine), Freiburg (EXRE, 2017-2018; promoter: Martine Nida-Rümelin) and Paris (Institut d'études avancées, 2018-2019; École normale supérieure, 2019-2021; Collège de France, 2022-2025; promoter: François Recanati). In 2021, his first book, Naming and Indexicality , was published by Cambridge University Press.
Since October 2023 (and until September 2025), Gregory Bochner has been engaged as a post-doctoral fellow in an international research project, co-funded by the Agence nationale de la recherche in France and the Fonds national suisse, exploring some of the special relationships that exist between thought, consciousness, and self-knowledge.
His work addresses fundamental questions about language and mind. Gregory Bochner seeks to better understand the articulation of notions such as meaning, reference, truth, objectivity, possibility, context, perspective, knowledge, consciousness and subjectivity.