
Trained in Byzantine and Ottoman history at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and in Ottoman paleography at the École pratique des hautes études, she is currently a contract doctoral student at EPHE/PSL (ED 472) in history and philology, under the supervision of Alexandre Papas (CETOBaC) and Nicolas Michel (IREMAM).

His thesis is provisionally entitled " L'ascension de la maison d'ʿOsmān de c. 1300 to 1453 : a prosopographical and cartographic study of the early Ottoman dynasty ".
It aims to define the nature of the House ofʿOsmānand its role in the construction of the Ottoman state in the 14th-15thcenturies .

Aysu Saban is currently in charge of the inventory of the Beldiceanu collection at the Center for Ottoman Studies at the Collège de France.