Valéry at the Collège de France
Edited by William Marx and Matilde Manara
The first synthesis and historical, philosophical and critical reflection on the readings given by Paul Valéry at the Collège de France from 1937 to 1945.
Following the publication in 2023 of Paul Valéry's previously unpublished Cours de poétique, Valéry au Collège de France offers the first synthesis and historical, philosophical and critical reflection on the lectures given by the writer at the Collège de France from 1937 to 1945. For the first time, specialists take stock of the edition of the Cours and give a reading and interpretation of his teaching during the eight years he held the Poetics chair. For the first time, a comprehensive study is also offered of the reception of Valéry's thought by the late professors of the Collège de France, who were major figures of the twentieth century - Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Roland Barthes, Yves Bonnefoy and Jacques Bouveresse - a reception that continues here through the voices of Jean-Pierre Changeux, Antoine Compagnon, Carlo Ossola and Claudine Tiercelin.
This book shows the extent to which Valéry represents an important moment in the history of ideas in the 20th century, as well as in the intellectual history of the Collège de France.
Marx W. (dir.) et Manara M. (dir.), Valéry au Collège de France, Paris, Collège de France, coll. " Faire savoir ", 2025, 304 p.
ISBN : 978-2-7226-0827-6
Paperback pUBLISHER : 32 €
Publication 20 February 2025