Mathilde Touvier
The role of nutrition in chronic disease prevention. A public health issue
At the interface of epidemiology, socio-anthropology, culture, politics and economics, food and nutrition are key public health issues.
Over the course of a lifetime, we ingest around 30 tonnes of food and 50 000 liters of beverages. Epidemiological, experimental and clinical studies published over the last fifty years have shed some light on the impact of these foods on our health. Nutrition is now recognized as one of the main modifiable factors involved in determining the most widespread diseases in the industrialized world (obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes). This opening lecture presents the state of the art in nutrition-health relations, as well as current recommendations for the nutritional prevention of chronic diseases.
Touvier M., Rôle de la nutrition dans la prévention des maladies chroniques. Un enjeu de santé publique, Paris, Collège de France, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ",no 322, 2023, 72 p.
ISBN : 978-2-7226-0629-6
Price : 12 €
Publication : December7 2023