Published on 14 April 2020

News on Collège de France digital resources during the lockdown period

There will be no lectures in April, May and June 2020. The free dissemination of Collège de France knowledge to the general public will continue actively during the period of confinement : its digital campus allows users to explore more than 10 000 audiovisual documents, offering full lectures and colloquia by professors in all disciplines.

The missions of the Collège de France : the teaching of research in progress, and the widest possible dissemination of knowledge, are today more topical than ever. Despite the confinement, the Collège de France remains fully mobilized to ensure the continuation of its activities.

The Collège de France is one of the most important French-speaking resource portals for the digital dissemination of knowledge. Today, it brings together thousands of hours of lectures and symposia, in video and audio format, which can be freely consulted and/or downloaded.

The Collège de France offers a wide range of content in digital form : opening lectures delivered on the occasion of the installation of a new professor, annual lectures by professors, seminars and colloquia, filmed interviews, lectures by leading personalities, publications, etc. These reflect thediversity of the teaching offered by the Collègede France. They reflect the diversity of the lectures given by its full professors, as well as its visiting professors on annual or international chairs.

Every week, a special digital newsletter informs listeners and the public about the latest in readings.

Presentation of available resources

Online lectures

Collège de France professors (47 full professors and 11 professors on annual and international chairs in 2019-2020) offer new lectures each year on an original theme. The lectures reflect the evolution of knowledge and research in most disciplines (mathematics, digital sciences, physics, chemistry, life sciences, economics, philosophy, law, linguistics, human and social sciences, history, literature, etc.). Accessible free of charge, they are intended for everyone: researchers, teachers and students, as well as high-school students and ordinary web surfers keen to deepen their knowledge.

In addition to the Collège de France website, many lectures are also broadcast on France Culture's Les cours du Collège de Franceprogram , either live in the morning or as podcasts. Other media, such as TV5MONDE and RFI, have partnered with the Collège de France to provide their audiences with up-to-date lectures. They too offer a wealth of content, including over thirty replay interviews with Collège de France professors.

Some opening lectures, delivered since October1, 2019 :

  • Pr François-Xavier Fauvelle - chair History and Archaeology of African Worlds
    " Lessons in African history "
    Go to video
  • Pr Walter Fontana - chair Computer Sciences (2019-2020)
    " Life and the computer : the challenge of a science of organization "
    Go to video
  • Pr François Recanati chair Philosophy of Language and Mind
    " Philosophy of Language and Mind "
    Go to video
  • Pr Didier Fassin - chair Public Health (2019-2020)
    "  Theinequality of life "
    Go to video
  • Pr William Marx - chair Comparative Literatures
    " For a world library "
    Go to video
  • Pr Lluis Quintana-Murci - chair Human Genomics and Evolution
    " A genetic history : our diversity, our evolution, our adaptation "
    Go to video
  • Pr Marc Henneaux - chair Fields, Strings and Gravity
    " Symmetry and gravitation "
    Go to video
  • Pr  BảoChâu Ngô - international chair Automorphic forms 
    " Langlands functoriality and the functional equation of automorphic L-functions "
    Go to video

Collège de France publications

Following the example of other publishers distributed by OpenEdition, the Collège de France has made the 200 or so books published on OpenEdition Books freely downloadable (EPub and PDF formats), throughout the period of confinement. This includes an extensive collection of the Collège de France's opening lectures.

Some titles published by the Collège de France since September1, 2019 (and/or distributed on :

  • Pr François-Xavier Fauvelle, Leçons de l'histoire de l'Afrique, Paris, Collège de France/Fayard, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ", n° 290, 2020.
  • Alexandre Declos and Jean-Baptiste Guillon (eds.), Les principes métaphysiques, Paris, Publications du Collège de France/chaire Métaphysics et Philosophy of Knowledge, coll. " Philosophie de la connaissance ", série " Métaphysique et connaissance ", 2020.
  • Pr Jean-Louis Cohen (dir), Architecture et urbanisme dans la France de Vichy, Paris, Collège de France, coll. "Conférences", 2020.
  • Pr Mireille Delmas-Marty, Une boussole des possibles, Paris, Collège de France, coll. "Leçons de clôture", n° 18, 2020.
  • Pr Arnaud Fontanet, L'épidémiologie ou la science de l'estimation du risque en santé publique, Paris, Collège de France/Fayard, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ", n° 287, 2019.
  • Pr Esther Duflo, Experience, science and the fight against poverty, Paris, The Collège de France Publishing Department, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ", n° 202, 2009.
  • Pr Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Histoire de la civilisation moderne, Paris, The Collège de France Publishing Department, coll. "Leçons inaugurales", n° 62, 1973.
  • Pr Jean Delumeau, Histoire des mentalités religieuses dans l'Occident moderne, Paris, The Collège de France Publishing Department, "Opening lectures" series, no. 70, 1975.
  • Pr Antoine Compagnon, Céline Surprenant (dir.), Darwin au Collège de France, Collège de France, coll. "Passage des disciplines", 2020.
  • Pr Rachid Guerraoui, L'algorithmique répartie : à la recherche de l'universalité perdue, Paris, The Collège de France Publishing Department, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ", n° 283, 2019.
  • Pr Xavier Leroy, Le logiciel, entre l'esprit et la matière, Paris, The Collège de France Publishing Department, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ", n° 284, 2019.
  • Pr François Héran, Migrations and Societies, Paris, The Collège de France Publishing Department, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ", n° 279, 2019.
  • Pr Françoise Héritier, Étude comparée des sociétés africaines, Paris, The Collège de France Publishing Department, "Opening lectures" series, no. 93, 1984.
  • Pr Victor Stoichita, Les Fileuses de Velázquez. Textes, textures, image, Paris, The Collège de France Publishing Department, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ", n° 277, 2018.
  • Pr Alain Supiot, Le travail n'est pas une marchandise. Contenu et sens du travail au XXIesiècle , Paris, The Collège de France Publishing Department, coll. " Leçons de clôture ", n° 17, 2019.
  • Pr Dario Mantovani, Law, Culture and Society in Ancient Rome, Paris, The Collège de France Publishing Department, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ", n° 286, 2019.
  • Pr Yanick Lahens, Littérature haïtienne : urgence(s) d'écrire, rêve(s) d'habiter , Paris, Collège de France/Fayard, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ", n° 289, 2019.

Libraries and archives

Omnia, Salamandre and Colligere... Over the past ten years, the libraries and archives of the Collège de France have been developing a digital offering that grows every year. Salamandre is an open-access online digital library offering over 36,000 documents and 500 audio and video resources, including many digitized resources from the Collège de France archives and precious collections. The Colligere newsletter offers a panorama of library and archive news, with over 90 articles to date. Omnia gives registered readers of the Collège de France libraries access to a large corpus of databases, articles, books and chapters, often in full text.

Echoing the latest edition of the European Heritage Days at the Collège de France, the Colligere notebook also features a never-before-seenvirtual tour of the establishment in five episodes, retracing the institution's history since its foundation in 1530.