The missions of the Collège de France : the teaching of research in progress, and the widest possible dissemination of knowledge, are today more topical than ever. Despite the confinement, the Collège de France remains fully mobilized to ensure the continuation of its activities.
The Collège de France is one of the most important French-speaking resource portals for the digital dissemination of knowledge. Today, it brings together thousands of hours of lectures and symposia, in video and audio format, which can be freely consulted and/or downloaded.
The Collège de France offers a wide range of content in digital form : opening lectures delivered on the occasion of the installation of a new professor, annual lectures by professors, seminars and colloquia, filmed interviews, lectures by leading personalities, publications, etc. These reflect thediversity of the teaching offered by the Collègede France. They reflect the diversity of the lectures given by its full professors, as well as its visiting professors on annual or international chairs.