Published on 22 May 2024

Major events in June 2024

At the Collège de France, lectures are open to all, with no conditions of access or prior registration, subject to availability.

June events at Collège de France

Big event

The Games at the Collège de France

On the occasion of the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games 2024, the Collège de France, in partnership with France Culture, is organizing a major series of seven round tables between science and sport to accompany the arrival of the Games.

Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Pierre Rondeau and Emmanuel Laurentin - Sport at the crossroads of law and economics
Lecture on June 13 2024 from 19 h 30 à 21 h at the Collège de France (amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé).

Next conference in the series:July 4 2024.

Cycle Europe

Jan-Werner Müller - Europe and the defense of democracy (4 lectures)

This series of four lectures is part of the Collège de France's Europe cycle. In 2023-2024, this cycle is devoted to the theme " Democratic Europe ".

June 6, 13 and 20 2024 from 17 h 30 to 18 h 30 at the Collège de France.


À bras-le-corps ! Scientists and instruments at the Collège de France in the 19th century

From April 25 to July 12 2024, the exhibition " À bras-le-corps ! Savants et instruments au Collège de France au XIXe siècle " focuses on the great figures of researchers and professors at the Collège de France, whose pioneering work explored the human and animal body, its physiology and movement.

Free exhibition, open to all, Monday to Friday, 10 h to 19 h, except public holidays.

Free lectures, with no need to reserve, are offered to the public to extend the discovery of the exhibition :

Alain Prochiantz - Claude Bernard and the life sciences : a persistent misunderstanding
Conference on June 5 2024 from 18 h to 19 h at the Collège de France (amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs).

Martina Schiavon - Les constructeurs d'instruments scientifiques aux alentours du Collège de France (XVIIIe-XIXe siècle), une histoire encore à écrire
Conference on June 26 2024 from 18 h to 19 h at the Collège de France (Guillaume Budé amphitheater).


Pierre-Michel Menger - Education and the evaluation of its performance

June 6 2024 at Collège de France (amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre).

Salikoko S. Mufwene -  Theemergence of Creole languages and cultures : syncretisms and hybridizations

June 7 2024 at the Collège de France (Maurice Halbwachs amphitheatre).

Denis Duboule - The Making of "Embryos" in Vitro: State of the Art

June 7 2024 (morning) at Collège de France (amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre).

Denis Duboule - Manufacturing and cultivating " embryos " in vitro : a status report, ethical and legal frameworks

June 7 2024 (afternoon) at the Collège de France (Marguerite de Navarre amphitheater).

Edith Heard -  Theorganism-environment interface

June 11 and 12 2024 at the Collège de France (Maurice Halbwachs amphitheatre).

Stéphanie Lacour - Neurotechnology

June 14 2024 at the Collège de France (Maurice Halbwachs amphitheatre).

Antoine Lilti - Lumières médiatiques

June 18 and 19 2024 at Collège de France (Maurice Halbwachs amphitheatre).

Luigi Rizzi - Syntactic Cartography and African Languages

June 18 2024 at the Collège de France (Guillaume Budé amphitheatre).

Esther Duflo - Experimental approaches to education - Learning Together for Children's Learning: An Interdisciplinary Convening

June 20 2024 at Collège de France (amphithéâtre Marguerite Navarre).

Marc Henneaux - Topics in Quantum Gravity

June 20 and 21 2024 at the Collège de France (Maurice Halbwachs amphitheatre).

François Recanati - Indexical Dynamics

June 24 and 25 2024 at Collège de France (Maurice Halbwachs amphitheatre).

François Recanati - Transparency, Indexicality and Consciousness

June 26, 27 and 28 2024 at Collège de France (salle 5).

Alessandro Morbidelli - Formation of the protosolar disk and its first planetesimals

June 26 and 27 2024 at the Collège de France (Maurice Halbwachs amphitheatre).

Anne Cheng and Henry Laurens - Despotismes orientaux, du proche à l'extrême

June 27 2024 at the Collège de France (Guillaume Budé amphitheater).

Guest speakers

Niek Veldhuis - Sumerian Lexicography (1 lecture)

June 4 2024 from 17 h to 18 h at the Institut des Civilisations du Collège de France (salle Françoise Héritier).

Sebastian Jessberger - New Neurons for Old Brains: Mechanisms of Lifelong Neurogenesis (4 lectures)

June 4, 11 and 18 2024 from 17 h  to 18 h at Collège de France (salle 2).

Previous lecture :May 28 2024.

Mariachiara Gasparini - Interweaving Eurasian Visual and Material Arts: Beyond Space and Time (4 lectures)

June 11, 18, 21 and 25 2024 from 10 h 30 to 11 h 30 at the Collège de France (room 2).

Robert May - Ideology and Propaganda (2 lectures)

June 21 and 28 2024 from 17 h to 18 h at the Collège de France (salle 2).

Haun Saussy - The path of exile, a decisive turning point for some poets of classical China (1 lecture)

June 25 2024 from 2 pm to 3 pm h at the Collège de France (room 2).