
Ama-Mater Workshop 2

Ama-Mater Workshop 2024

This whorkshop is part of the AMA-Mater research project (2023-2025), led by Caroline Husquin (MCF in Ancient History, University of Lille), Sonia Mzali (contract PhD student in Assyriology, University of Lille) and Lucie Salamor (ATER in Ancient History, University of Lille). The project team includes members of the Collège de France (Laura Battini), the University of Fribourg (Véronique Dasen), the University of Nancy (Fabien Bièvre-Perrin) and other French universities. The project interrogates motherhood, which despite decades of gender studies remains a marginal subject, even in feminist studies. Little is said about women as mothers, their role, status and work, and even less about the psychological and emotional aspects and gaps between the normative representation and actual practice of motherhood, the difference between biological mothers and feelings of attachment to motherhood. nannies and other maternal figures. The project aims to rethink the relationship to motherhood and to break away from a stereotyped vision of motherhood. It is interdisciplinary (historians, archaeologists, artists), trans-period (ancient, modern and contemporary) and multiform (workshops, colloquia, database, Artistic creation). The project is linked to an artist residency (Élodie Wysocki) who will accompany the research for two years with new creations on maternity.

The workshop, to be held on October 3 from 8.30 am to 6.00 pm, at the Collège de France, salle Jacques Glowinski, will take stock of the first year of the project, prepare for the final colloquium in June 2025 and make progress on the data base.

Anyone interested can take part in the workshop.

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