
Rémy Slama is an environmental epidemiologist and Research Director at Inserm, where he heads the Institut thématique de santé publique and the environmental epidemiology team at the Institut pour l'avancée des biosciences (Inserm, CNRS, Grenoble-Alpes University). He holds a doctorate in epidemiology from the University of Paris-Sud (2002), and is a polytechnician and agricultural engineer.

His work aims to characterize the influence of environmental contaminants (atmospheric pollutants, endocrine disruptors, exposome), particularly in the context of early exposure, on human health (concept of developmental origins of health and disease, or DOHaD). His work on the exposome is based in particular on the European Helix project, which he developed with M. Vrijheid (ISGlobal Barcelona), and the new-generation SEPAGES couple-child cohort supported by the ERC.

He has been an expert for ANSES, the European Commission's Committee on Environmental Risks (SCHEER), is a member of the Board of Directors of Santé publique France; he is a member of the editorial board of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives and leads the Scientific Advisory Board of the National Research Program on Endocrine Disruptors (PNRPE). He is co-author ofaround 100 scientific publications and the book Le Mal du dehors, l'influence de l'environnement sur la santé (Quae, 2017). He received the Tony McMichael Award from theInternational Society of Environmental Epidemiology.