
Emmanuelle Porcher is an ecologist and evolutionary biologist  interested in the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of plants and their conservation. Since completing her PhD at the University of Orsay, and during two postdocs at the University of California, San Diego, then at INRA Versailles, she has studied the mechanisms responsible for changes in genetic and epigenetic diversity in plants, as well as the evolution of their reproductive systems, using both experimental approaches and mathematical modeling. Since joining the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, she has focused her work on understanding changes in plant populations and communities, in relation to human activities. She is particularly interested in the role of agriculture, climate change and interactions between plants and their pollinators. Much of her work is based on participatory science programs, which bring together researchers and citizens to jointly improve our knowledge of biodiversity. She has taught at MNHN, École Polytechnique and Sciences Po. Since 2020, she has been Director of the Centre d'écologie et des sciences de la conservation, and in 2020 received the Prix Recherche from the Société française d'écologie et d'évolution.

Emmanuelle Porcher has been invited to hold the annual Biodiversity and Ecosystems Chair at the Collège de France for 2023-2024.