
Born on December1, 1948 in Bologna (Italy), Daniele Vitali is Professor of Archaeology at the University of Bologna (Italy).

Graduated in Classics from the University of Bologna under Prof. G. A. Mansuelli; final thesis in Etruscology: L'acropole de Marzabotto (1972).

Scholarship from the C.N.R. and research grant from the Ministry of the University (1974).

National accreditation to teach literary subjects, Latin, Greek, Italian and history in high schools and colleges (1976).

Advanced diploma in archaeology at the University of Bologna under the supervision of M. Mansuelli; final thesis in Etruscologie Monte Bibele and questions of Celtization in the Bologna region (1984).

Professor at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Cultural Heritage, Chair of Pre- and Protohistory; Celtic Archaeology, at the School of Specialization in Archaeology and the Doctoral School in Archaeology of Bologna (1998).

Qualified to teach at university level in France (2003).

Daniele Vitali has given lectures and seminars at the Universities of Marburg, Uppsala, Madrid (Complutense), Brussels (ULB), Budapest (ELTE), Burgundy (Dijon), ENS Paris and Collège de France. He is a member of UMR 8546/CNRS (ENS, Paris).

Member of the International Scientific Council of the European Archaeological Centre at Mont Beuvray.

Director of the Museo Civico Archeologico Luigi Fantini in Monterenzio (Bologna).

Director of archaeological excavations at Monte Bibele (since 1978), Monterenzio Vecchio (since 2000), and Albinia (Orbetello) (since 2001).

Daniele Vitali has headed the Italian mission of the University of Bologna to the European Archaeological Centre of Mont Beuvray (since 1989), and shares the Hungarian-French-Italian archaeological excavation program in Hungary under the direction of Professor Miklos Szabó (ELTE, Budapest). He has taken part in several excavations dedicated to Italian protohistory (Veneto, Emilia-Romagna) in collaboration with the respective Archaeological Superintendencies and the Bologna Archaeological Museum. He has also participated in the reorganization of the archaeological museums of Modena and Bologna, and in several archaeological exhibitions in the fields of protohistory and the history of archaeology.

National corresponding member of the Istituto di Studi Etruschi e Italici, corresponding member of the Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria and of the Deputazione di Storia Patria per le province di Romagna.

Director of the International Colloquia: Celti ed Etruschi nell'Italia centro-settentrionale dal V sec. a.C. alla romanizzazione (1985), I Celti e il mondo greco, III Meeting dell'European Association of Archaeologist (Ravenna, settembre 1997), Animali, uomini e dei, convegno internazionale di Archeozoologia (Ravenna-Monterenzio, 2002), La Préhistoire des Celtes (Monterenzio-Bologna, 2005), Le fornaci e le anfore di Albinia. Primi dati su produzioni e scambi dalla costa tirrenica al mondo gallico (Ravenna, 2006).

Scientific secretary of the international exhibition Les Celtes/I Celti at Palazzo Grassi, Venice (1991).