Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The operation of comparison, constitutive ofübersichtliche Darstellung(üD - synoptic presentation), is based on the identification of internal relations of similarities and differences. Placing this type of relationship at the heart of his philosophical practice enables Wittgenstein to renounce any "assertion", and thus to free himself from any "dogmatism": the object of comparison used for theüD need neither constitute a representation of what it is being compared to, nor constitute a model to which what it is being compared to should conform. The resemblance/dissemblance relation is therefore neither a description nor a prescription; whereas a representation may be more or less faithful and an instantiation more or less correct (more or less conforming to the model), there is no such aethical evaluation in the case of the resemblance/dissemblance relation - and this is because there is, in this case, no projection relation constituting a standard against which to make such an evaluation. And yet, Wittgenstein does speak of image(Bild) in relation to the object of comparison, and in a renewed sense (which I won't develop here).

That, in a nutshell, is the characterization of theüD specific to the first part of the PU, and stemming from the reflections of the early 1930s. I'd like to explore the Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology in the light of this conception of theüD, in two ways. Firstly, by examining the remarks on resemblance, since the experience of seeing the resemblance of two faces is carefully studied there, even though it constitutes a paradigmatic analogy for theüD in 1931 in the remarks that Wittgenstein devotes to Frazer's Golden Palm - cf. BPP II and LS I mainly. Then by examining how the case of the meaning-blind proposes such an image of comparison and how it operates within Wittgenstein's analysis of the experience of meaning - cf. mainly BPP I. In short, is the image as üD more closely identified through the analysis of its constitutive analogy? And how isüD put into practice by the particular image of the blind to signification?


Denis Perrin

Pierre-Mendès-France University, Grenoble